Sunday, March 9, 2008

10 persons have seen that 9 persons have to say

One and person are painful,

2, it is that others lets

3 if you do not give self worry, others

4 , well discipline

5, do not forgive all

6, do not say that others is pitiful,

7, it is to deliver for

8, it is non that the person that the

9, it is the

10 in obeying boundary,

National Day, you

12, you will accept

It is spoilt that 13, you will forgive all living

14, this world is painful

15 , when your happiness, you , this happiness

16, knowledge is subdued by

17 and today hold work,

18, you may possess love ,

19, do not waste your life

20, you lay aside some

21, heart has no to

22, study the first idea of Buddha , do not go to see the fault of all living creatures forever. You see the fault of all living creatures, you pollute yourself forever, you are impossible to practise Buddhism at all.

2 or 3 and you daily if see the fault

2 or 4, field block grave person sees shortcoming

2 or 5, each kind

2 or 6 when you know that puzzle

2 or 7, arrogant person

2 or 8, you do not want always unsatisfactory

2 or 9, all bad Frances are unfounded , you do

30 when you are vexed, you will tell

31 when you do not study Buddha, you

32, you will contain those opinions, follow your different person, so, son goes well relatively in time. You change him if always thinking , so son you meeting is very painful. Is just to study to bear him. It is been just that you will study to contain him.

33 , recognize self is

3 or 4, it is to revise

The person of 3 or 5 and

3 or 6 and a person if can not excuse

3 or 7 in heart, the person who

3 or 8 and destruction person only

3 or 9 , when you exhortation others,

40, it is arrogant to do not mix

41, need not see later at all that cursing your

42, envious others will not increase any

43, it is a second of to do

Between 44 and how many persons will

4 or 5, love is not philanthropy , can not be given alms casually. It may follow if feelings has no formula , has no principle , has no reason. However people till death is still holding work and pursuit.

4 or 6, ask you to say your dissatisfaction

4 or 7, the person of creation

4 or 8, can say

4 or 9 and multi-purpose heart

50 and same bottle, why will you pack

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