Friday, March 21, 2008

Trade Yuan dream

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Actually, long time as computer is very tired, moreover worry about a plate of surface often, late at night is thinking , morning is settled , tiredness is atoneone tired take off. Weekend, have not rested at home , have agreed to hit with them Cai bullet, have won as a result certainly. Also for excitement well a meeting, eat litchi to watch television , not consciousness two Jins of next stomach, at that time, feel that throat is dry , is tooth in second day to do pain , have spoilt.

Make some homework reluctantly , go out to take a walk , have drunk cold dish , return but is heavier. Rest at once, sleep not , ache but being more and more severe , tonsil is great, chin suits open is very difficult. " need to rest ", my heart cries out , but aching skirt me often, end can not Mei. Have drunk how many waters , have taken how many nights, have tossed about how many times, already do not win to count. The ignorant a meeting that has slept has been also been painful to have woken up , between half dim, suddenly, do you think of , are so painful , do not know that there is person to receive plate? - - does not be all right , throwing also relieve pain at last to him, - - has still closed the business really , is still very painful however. Do you also think that what fool can receive this plate? Throw again , throw again , and have closed the business , not from is a burst and secretly happy. Another labor pain raids , has turned body, mind unavoidably one Jing, it is so painful , can still have person to receive plate , will not be now bottom? Think again that have boiled so a night , rest and reorganize tomorrow, body bone is gradually good surely , now, do you throw , do not be just bottom to cut meat? Not from heart base pulls out to cool , a mouth is huge and painful, reconsider and give up an idea , isn't now still so painful? Price also does not go up surely, having better to multiply low mend again to return.

Ache to be fascinated to paste a meeting, think of return really from mend , it is so many to throw and have gone out , pain do not be still self, - - pain a self, that preceding throw actually is Sha? A burst criminal of the brain faints. Ba, Ba, in any case An have also tried , the illness bond of human body melts , He He, present trend!

Postscript: Get up early , gruel can not

Do a plate of half hour, tooth aches retreat unexpectedly , since remembering , have again eaten two grains to resist scorching medicine , in noon, the age of a draught animal does not feel unexpectedly that is painful, now liking grow eat green vegetables,( green vegetables is actually rather firm, it is half to chew half pharynx. )

Flat 07/6/12

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