Friday, March 21, 2008

The door of gold war 1 - - wealth

Former Wealth Flat insectAnd messageHttp: / />
Flat insectThe rich' >Http: / /
The door
Very pleasure you have held this book, I believe that your some finish patiently, you can appreciate me, because we will display some out of the common things with great efforts , dare not say that it is excellent to have , but are unique surely.
Presumably, search wealth! This winter day afternoon of warm sun, you have not gone to exercise , have not gone to relax , also have no and kiss feelings good friend to play , is one pricks into this book nautical mile, this page that falls out open may be thought of , you like to study very much , wish for , enlighten from the wisdom of others, the dream of achievement own wealth. I can help to be yours , can bring you the happiness that helps to be me , I can open a window for you, however as have the road of heaven need to climb by oneself is the same, mount hall into room finally must the effort via yourself. Certainly before this, you must reply some of my problems, you may write your true answer when problem on side:
* what
* it can flow? Its meeting when
You are interested in *
* you know Palestinian

I agree that above problem has specious, very difficult accurate reply , only final one. I believe , even if you are the person who does not like to ask about , have also probably heard of this Palestinian not special American old man surely , have gained a considerable wealth bare-handedly, if do not know accurate figure really, you certain may relaxed browse some what can find , as if you turn book the page of * * *, you can see . . . . . . , He He, it is many , is , it is 42 billion dollars that in 2006, his wealth worths , join the RMB of 300 billion probably. Are you many? It is many! It is many to have? A lot many . . . . . .s.
If you current horse very best street, buy the lottery ticket of a 2 yuan, in evening 5000 thousand, are you happy? There is still higher mood, god now gives you a kind of huge ability, you buy lottery ticket every day, daily in may a 5000 thousand. God now returns you a choice, you may protect , have this kind of ability, may also exchange him with Palestinian old with this kind of ability all money, are you willing to change? Think well!
You see that my person has a dream well, and still obey tape you a Ye enter dreamland. However if is fond dream again why not do one takes off. If real let you when this two do choice words, how to can you decide . . . . . . . . . . . .? I have actually probably known your choice, because of me put forward this problem every time, all simultaneous make that choice, very regretfully, that possibility is not a choice of the best. Come , we simple add to reduce multiply to exclude take off:
In daily, 5000 thousand is the matter that makes one dream for really! We set up your still talented child in advance , will buy lottery ticket since mother one of tyre cavity, and your lifetime has not also done other what useless matters, buy Cai take award ( want to be also , do you still have the matter gone through than this correction? ), one year 365 days in, you 365 5000 thousands. Your mood is happy, also more longeval, finally, work has been 100 years old, so, the wealth of your a lifetime is 36500 5000 thousands. This figure, it has great gap still with Palestinian not special money, because 300 billion class 60000 5000 thousands. Change sentence words to say , you in dozen is delivered of big award, do not fall one day, the market of lottery ticket also cooperates with day day to open the door , is related organization also do not your this one" magical fellow" list as is illegal, your "effort" of 100 years unexpectedly only the 60% of and Palestinian old money. So if the words of your slightly careful calculation, so from wealth angle, oneness gain the 300 billion of Palestinian old, undoubtedly, it is most sensible.
He He, you make choice, you why this? Need not emphasize you like to be pleasantly surprised more in succession,( believe day day to buy lottery ticket - - takes award , doing all the life also is very annoying ). Think back actually, are we saying the problem of asking question at 300 billion o'clock - - this money, is it many? It is many to have? We know that have a lot, but it does not be careful whether you are one, 300 billion and 30 million can also obscure , or picture many persons say so, exceed 100 million, I feel that is many , am the same and many. Yes, this words have not been wrong , but are completely wrong! If you have regarded as the difference of thousands upon thousands of time , are the same, if you when the level of 5 years children can accurate calculation big and small choices problem is former, metropolis does mistake words, so excuse me, your wealth since is what come? The peasant millionaire of China Liu forever good brother builds up: " at that time for the capital of 500 Yuan, raise quail , look at quail next egg , is the money of one point, such a minute gain. " yes, as soon as minute is gained , has gained Chinese head to have. Wealth how to come? When you regard as big figure one body, when you when do choice more is rely on feeling, those futures genuine millionaire just a minute is deducting. Excuse me, he becomes millionaire, are you as before poor and reasonable? Wealth reserve certain have reason, do not go to complain , do not appeal again , seek gap! Flat insectAnd messageHttp: / />
Flat insectThe rich' >Http: / / Wealth comes
Like a small issue that asks before us, do you still remember? Can * wealth flow? Its meeting when where stopover, can you again flow fast in which place? Answer may be detail. Say, you begin gold investment one day , you just buy in gold , hear such a news: " British center trip plan sells 300 tons of golds. " how excuse me your meeting evaluates this message? Is no problem, this is advantage leaves empty , problem is this advantage leaves empty have is what, is little influence - - you hold storehouse continuously; Should still large problem - - you be away from site quickly? This signifies that you will have accurate assessment( for simplification, we put aside a plate of surface factor) for selling 300 tons of golds. When I tell you: " Chinese center trip have gold reserve only 600 tons. " your meeting has what appraisement for this 300 tons? When I again help you, calculate , the 1 g gold approximately=RMBs of 200 Yuan, gold approximately=200 thousand of 1 kgs, 1 tons of gold about value 200 million, 300 tons of golds are also the approximate RMB market value of 60 billion, what impressions has your meeting for it? I still tell your world-wide gold annual minerals quantity, always wander in 2500 tons, whether are you clear and some for 300 tons? I still tell your mankind that the gold pile mined has 158000 tons altogether on this the earth, do you also have new knowledge for 300 tons of golds? It is a little and carefully thin to see , it is a little to savor , is not have time to feel that it is very severe to throw 300 tons of golds, have you time to again feel that is also so? It is that what has decided your judgment - - reference thing. If you possess few reference body only, your judgment is unilateral very probably, and when you possess more more reasonable reference body, you then can make the judgment of accurate balance. He He, I know that there are many persons to have invested in a considerable money, but a reference body has no , meeting condition worry call to another one to have one that refers to the friend of body, excuse me, such investment, Heaven can let him get profit? Wealth is floating, it is made great efforts more that it flows to surely, it is more careful to judge. If you hope to seize wealth from gold investment, it is to not be all right surely to loosen to collapse. For gold, our meeting does not be disgusted its tired detail adds elaboration, also hope that you can accept carefully. Come! Together with me, stretch to supply , coming to touch this gold Can Can the door of wealth. Flat insectAnd messageHttp: / />
Flat insectThe rich' >Http: / / The wealth
Do you do stock? For just past 2007, certain influence is deep. Stock index since start at 2700 o'clock, all the way go up raise at 6000 o'clock, also receive finally one day high when at 5000 o'clock top, in the longest year in a history, positive line has produced at this point. Besides the loss person of the 40% that goes to say , many friend gains are quite plentiful , are on one time large scale speech , I ask a assistant of the act of annual profit 30%, the dark a big flat that presses; Soon afterwards, it is 50% , 100% till 200%, there are still a lot of both hands to be laid aside. I flattery say sound: " thanks , you than Palestinian not special winner. " many persons smile , it is very happy, also very since Chao. Happy is because have really surmounted in 2007 Palestinian is not special, his compound annual earning rate only many points of 20%, since Chao is , no any a arrogant person since think that self can surmount Palestinian old eventually. Why nobody dare challenge , Palestinian old earning rate is not high , actually is what has brought up Palestinian old is unattainable?
He He, allegedly is Palestinian old current 70 , he has gained many money, more key is in his investment career of near 50 years, no one year is loss. The ability of making money of rope Luo Si also passes him high than his good, annual profit growth rate, but because of some of few losses, the wealth of the rope only and somewhat one of Palestinian old. Palestinian old has gained astonishing 300 billion, his wealth accumulates , have what secret? Ou no opportunity asks personally to see him , it is willing to ask about the person of household secret that however fortunately, this returns some on world as I am so bored. Have position American reporter Chuai own little note-book, rely on the gall bladder of the freedom of public opinion , is interviewing one time , drum takes courage to" advise " Palestinian is not special: " Palestinian old, your age is also not little, this gain have also gained to be full , the public attention that should happen is also reached ( probably dark finger share supernatural title), you can you make money secret formula reveal 1 or 2 to all. " I estimate , feel this reporter shell time of asking question at that time , at heart certain also is Zhui Zhui, is afraid of quilt deeply" privacy problem a " soft hammer returns from knocking. Do not know that day whether day faints still day dog gnaws month, anyway, being former for the abnormal, Palestinian old that matches to change guard mouth, drive as a bottle of, smile one, lotus spits out to split: " first . . . . . .", happy Mr shell grabs necktie hurriedly, shorthand gets up. " is first , will protect own capital. " protective capital, write too for hastening. " is second , will protect capital as protecting own eyeball. " shell feels eyeball, again Nao Nao scalp, have again taken notes. " 3th , will notice to implement above spirit especially. "? ? ? Why a little picture government report, I know anyway that general free translation is so. I return deep estimate to Mr shell, pass careful consideration, final necktie goes up notes prepares to keep illegally , after resign reporter duty first, do investment any ink marks do not trunk Palestinian old saying in, again copy computer, put to whole world to send to go out, have returned very pleasing to the ear title" Palestinian not special investment wealth" cloud cloud. Ou is impatient intestines, after taking , figure out unavoidably carefully, it is this to protect capital 123, want to come should is spoken by Palestinian old, after all, household returns alive, reporter shell the words of confused volume, that will eat lawsuit. May this day knows , land know , you know , I know , the thing that all know , does Palestinian old say that 3 times has what meaning? That reporter shell feels that has no meaning, have sold writer's remuneration in any case for the news of weaving , I will also study in any case to feel what eastern east , also earn milk money , pass the deep review of a night, I have invented a set of theory, give this set of suddenly You the speculative method of person has taken resounding Chinese name - - wealth to protect is strong.

Want to know matter,

Flat insectAnd messageHttp: / />
Flat insectThe rich' >Http: / / The flat insect fish

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