Sunday, March 9, 2008

Computer clan " nutrition life buoy


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Eye is exhausted , myopia. .As if we cannot depart from computer is the same, these diseases are nearly all trouble that not gotten rid of frequently with computer person. A investigation shows that uses the crowd of computer frequently , feels that eye is exhausted to take83%, shoulder63.9%, headache and56.1%And54.4%, other bad reactions still include self-discipline nerve imbalance, melancholia and artery to harden sexual mental diseases etc.. Zhejiang province upright same virtue hospital healthy expert reminds recently to say , reasonable meal, replenish nutrition in time , refresh own food menu, is computer a clan resistance these diseases hurt and have to grab jail"Life".

Save two eyes:

Gazing at the sensitization material on computer fluorescent screen and retina for a long time to regard the quality of purplish red consume to accelerate , if could not replenish its synthetic material vitamin in timeACan cause eyesight decrease and

VitaminAAnd-Carotene is helpful toAExist mainly in yolk, cod-liver oilAOriginal.-Carotene exists mainly in

VitaminCCross-eye Jing isCContent exceed number byCContent drops obviously, Jing form bodyCFruit and the

Carrot has to contain sucrose,AOriginal content is most, its role and cod-liver

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Spinach contains protein, fat, carbohydrate, crude fibre and

Other clear eye foods: Tomato,

Save skeleton:

Use computer , is often in for a long time to force body position( finger the body position of body when certain part is in non natural state ) , is easy to cause waist , Jing , the muscle skeleton systematic diseases such as shoulder, elbow and wrist trouble.

Alleviation computer operates the injury

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Milk and yoghurt not only contain calcium

It may deserve to be called the outstanding person in vegetable if its dietotherapy and the nutrition composition content of rape worth. Its calcium and iron content are very rich, eating rape frequently have the role of settling blood step-down, strong skeleton and Qing Re to detoxify.

Dark sesame is very good to mend calcium source, it mends calcium , keep health effect is better than white sesame is multiple. The person who does not like to drink milk may eat 3 spoon dark sesames one day to replace.

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Soybean is the food of high protein, it is very high to contain calcium quantity, have just to contain lysine and easy quilt the iron of the absorption use of human body. Other bean productses are also to mend calcium good article150G bean curd500Milligram.

Other healthy bone

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