Friday, March 21, 2008

Debt storm is opportunity

It is what that debt storm has , as if popular feeling has is greedy, who also does not know that center trip does not be known , uniting to store up is also , all are to fly by the seat of one鈥檚 pants , only difference is that government knows the figure of each piece of stone that felt , and you guard , near news, wait for the newest figure announced , actually, figure has no value, stone is also , key is that we step into a what river.

Hole has what is not problem core , key is that the very market< xml:namespace prefix=o ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">

Is very unfortunate, we are being in a foam in grow thickly market, real estate rises again and again , merchandise is taking crude oil as representative, deduction super bull market, the stock market is red thorough a day, asset is appreciating , it is come to that money are from there? Super wide mobility still has yes? It is asset increment asset to still have ,: Asset increment representative two meanings1, you are more rich,2, you have confidence2You will1, increase asset recently to appreciate again, your meaning wealth promotes you into time increase to purchase asset more, finally, geometry level increases your wealth. This is a person, must person collect to blow have made one and another huge foam, foam will break always, she when wait a thorn broken point. Is very good, debt comes probably to play the role of this role.

Actually, debt disturbance produces , have a time , since but always he seems total when quietly development is quiet, so, all can not confirm that it is what that risk has , until European center is all right , American center is all right , Japanese center trip the huge quantity of even brush finances to financial market, all just understand , O, it is big that hole has originally it is also at least so big , it is fled that the action of center trip has given market the confirmation of a quantitative analysis just, so withdrawal begins , has become neatly by order gradually to seize road , receive is impasse is mad to run , remove first is rejoicing , have no withdraw have been compelled to stop to harm, the self of well-behaved point stops , stubbornness is leveled by winner, dangerous place has run , healthy place also wind takes tide to gush , have no reason, or reason one - - panic.

Government can speak surely , consoles mood , offers help, but market need to still vent , completion it break forth , nobody knows that terminal point is there , can not search the origin of life like you, market is breaking forth , in policy suppresses concussion walks , so, taking to hold rhythm become extremely important, I also do not know that let one know what to be done, because of speculating , direction is not important , important is strategy, should correct strategy.

Crisis comes , also is opportunity comes , but having worn dangerous overcoat, so, excitement is counted , partner, you may do leave empty is relentless to let to deliver, may also rise and fall with wave and have elasticity, you return may when this silt all take off observe secretly, number makes pearl and gold, that is your future treasure.

In a word, comply with market , but is also`We are being in

Flat 07/08/16

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