Sunday, March 9, 2008

Blurt out 100 shrewd ceremony English sentences

Any day will do? Which one
Any messages for me? Have me
Are you by yourself? Does your
All right with you? Have you
Are you free tomorrow? Is tomorrow
Are you kidding me? Are you joking
As soon as possible! It is
Back in a moment! Horse
Believe it or not! Letter
Better luck next time! Next time,
The disaster of Boy will
Come to the point! Words
Do you accept plastic? Do you
Does it keep long? Can you
Don ' t be so fussy! It
Don ' t count on me! Do
Don ' t fall for it! Do
Don ' t get me wrong! You
Don ' t give me that! Come
Don ' t let me down! Do not
Don ' t lose your head! Other
Don ' t over do it! Other
Don ' t sit there daydreaming! Other
Don ' t stand on ceremony! Do
Drop me a line! To write
Easy come easy go! It have to
First come first served! Arriving
Get a move on! Soon!
Get off my back! Do not
Give him the works! Give
Give me a break! Have
Give me a hand! It is
Great minds think alike! Great minds
Me ' ll treat you to lunch. Lunch
In one ear, out the other ear. As soon
Me ' m spaced-out! I have
I beg your pardon! Ask you
I can ' t afford that! I pay
I can ' t follow you! I do
I can ' t help it! My feelings not since prohibit!
I cross my heart! It is true
I don ' t mean it! I am
I feel very miserable! I am
I have no choice! I have
I watch my money! Regard
Me ' ll be in touch! Maintenance
Me ' ll check it out! I
Me ' ll show you around! I bring
Me ' ll see to it! I can
Me ' m crazy for you! I am
You make me jump! You have
Make up your mind. Make decision!
Make yourself at home! It will
My mouth is watering! I will
Never heard of it! Have
Nice talking to you! It is very
No doubt about it! It does
No pain no gain! Do not go
None of your business! Do you
There is nothing on your business! This has
Now you are really talking! Describe
Please don ' t rush me! Please
Please keep me informed! Please must
She looks blue today. She is
She is under the weather. Her mood
So far, so good. It
Speaking of the devil! One says Cao
Stay away from me! Is away
Stay on the ball! Concentrate
That makes no difference. Aren't
That ' s a touchy issue! This is
That ' s always the case! Is
That ' s going too far! This
That ' s more like that! This
The answer is zero! White
The dice is cast! Have settled
The same as usual! As always!
The walls have ears! Partition
There you go again! You have
Time is running out! Have no
We better get going! Had better

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