Thursday, March 6, 2008

The science and technology of our country develop countermeasure and the present situation of neutral other problem

The science and technology

Zhang Mei
( Tsinghua100.084)

Make a summary: This text from the sex in the policy of science and technology and the existent sexual problem in the sexual stratified education of science and technology of the field of science and technology of our country blind regard etc. some aspects, the sexual problem of having analysed the existence of our country in the development of science and technology combines female doctrine theory , is discussed for its correlation and reason that these problems forms , have made corresponding countermeasure suggestion.
Keyword: The sexual

Actualities and the Related Measures about Gender Problem in the

Development of Chinese Science and technology
ZHANG Meifang LIU Bing
( STS Institute, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tsinghua University


Abstract: From different angles, such as the gender strataGender problems in science education, and blindness in science policy in

China, some problems related to gender have been analyzed. With feminist theory

Discussions and countermeasures have been given about the cause of and

Interrelationship among those problems.

Key words: Science; Technology;

Gender; Actuality; Countermeasure

Now, times have changed to knowledge-intensive society, science and technology the role that plays the role of in the entire social development of a country to lift enough weight. Solve the existent sexual problem in the development of science and technology , develop the intellectual and cultural resource as the female of human half fully , look very important for science and technology in progressive as well as entire social long-term development; At the same time, female resource can get effective use in the development of science and technology, the ability of scientific research can get ample performance, for woman in the field of science and technology and in other fields, it is very important the raising of social status.
Actually, every aspect of the development of science and technology has been concerned with sexual problem. For instance, treatment discrepancy and the post discrepancy of scientific research of male and female scientific and technical personnel and the sexual proportion of the field employee of science and technology get the discrepancy of educational horizontal discrepancy and the ability of scientific research with position discrepancy and male and female scientific and technical personnel , male and female scientific and technical personnel for the participation of the program and policy of science and technology discrepancy and science and technology for male and female essential assigned discrepancy, belong to the sexual problem category in the development of science and technology.

1The sexual stratified problem of the field of science and technology of our country

What the sexual stratified problem of the circle of science and technology is pointed at is that in the circle of science and technology, with the sexual stratified phenomenon of discovering to distinguish sign, it is concerned with mainly in various colleges , the courtyard of scientific research, the institute of science and technology, the department related to association etc. and science and technology and the male and female proportion in field taken by scientific and technical personnel, as well as their existent huge discrepancy in the aspects such as wages position, academic title, promotion promotion and accomplishment prestige. In other words, it is the foundation and prerequisite that solves the other deep layer sexual problems in the development of science and technology to solve these problems.

1.1Structure and In the field of science and technology, the female number of scientific and technical personnel is less , the phenomenon of low position is very universal regardless of China and foreign countries, this is called as the phenomenon " the absence of female in science" by female doctrine scholar.
See from lateral aspect, the overall number1993In year, China809.7The persons35%. This proportion is higher12.2%, Japan12.5%.[ 1See from1978Year, the female141.3The persons32.5%1993Annual proportion2.5Percentage point. However, though since lateral go up compare with other countries, compare on vertical before self, the Chinese circle female scientific and technical personnel of science and technology presents higher proportion and increase tendency , the Chinese circle sexual proportion of science and technology is still unbalanced, the female absent phenomenon in the circle of science and technology exists still, even the sex of pyramid shape is stratified, structure is also obvious. The woman of our country when higher college and the organization of scientific research, including every specific organizations such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences, project courtyard and association of science and technology the proportion taken shows female is still in in the field of science and technology relatively the position of edge.
Basis statistics of the nation-wide organization of science and technology, the proportion of people that female has the campaign of science and technology in the organization of science and technology for taking when is near6In year, stabilize1/3Level. However, when Chinese department in Xie organization, provincial level institute organization and the nationwide association of and its subordinate, the proportion of female member takes 1/4 only, and when representative learns organization each, in the council of highest academic level, the proportions of female trustee has only 1/10. In the Chinese Academy of Sciences, since1955Arrive when2003In year,1027Person,49It is been4.8%. In Chinese2003In year, study663Person,36Person5.4%. Now, take charge of33In person( foreign2Person, the26In person( foreign1Person. Besides, from the people proportion8In position department level lead,10%. See since in general,2.1:1Condition take off, being4.4:1; Above male and7.6:1; Though, the female scientific and technical13.3%.[ 2
Evidently, in the field of science and technology of our country, men and women takes proportion, incline still obviously in male. , along with the raising of the title and post of science and technology, the proportion taken by female scientific and technical personnel submits obvious reverse downtrend. That is said, when this takes few female scientific and technical personnel or the administrative staff of science and technology, it located position also belongs to bottom mostly.

1.2Accomplishment prestige
The sex of the circle of science and technology stratified still show on the male and female role position and accomplishment prestige of scientific and technical personnel, include the discrepancy of many aspects such as position, funds and popularity. As Zhu Ke is graceful to say ,: " science is still the territory of male control, not only show on quantity , and show in the aspect of authority, power as well as influence. "[ 3
From the statistical figure of preceding text, may know that in the pyramid structure of the field of science and technology, the most of female scientific and technical personnels of our country concentrate in organization or the position of lower work salary income, they bend to hold the role of assistant and technician , this makes them lose to grasp fund and resource and independence , undertake the major project of scientific research as well as make major achievement and get the opportunity of puting in an important position.
For instance, in the national fund of natural science, establish have two about the fund of talent: National outstanding youth scientific fund and overseas and Hong Kong , Macau youth scholar cooperative research fund. But since2001Year2002The condition of financial aid in year10%. Besides, on the utilization of the funds of scientific research, the force of decision making authority that female scientific and technical personnel grasps is also limited. Basis the Information Office of the State Council1994The Chinese woman situation that announces186Person11.9%; Take the514Person14.8%. End in the1992Have204Well-known woman5.7%; In the scholar and expert10%.
Besides, it has the accomplishment of scholar for the partial male and female scientific and technical personnels of our country to carry out statistical analysis discovery , in being low to produce person, it is greater that female takes proportion, in which26.1%Female scientific and technical18.0%. , female gives the difficulty of[ 4In the aspect of accomplishment and its influence, the above-mentioned discrepancy between male and female scientific and technical personnel can again influence the female fund and resource of scientific and technical personnel of scientific research further conversely and award get , so, the position that is in disadvantage more forms " so called the Matthew effect ".

2The existent sexual

The sex of the field of science and technology is stratified, is directly related with the educational level and discrepancy received, is also directly related with the position of female in educational field. Can say to some extent that education is the process of a kind of resource allocation, it direct produce is the person who possesses knowledge and technical ability. And possess higher knowledge have been thought with the person of technical ability that should get and control resource more, it has higher social status; Conversely, have been deprived educational power, is equal to have been deprived the power of development.[ 5

2.1The sex of educational
The sexual problem in education includes educating the sexual proportion of person mainly discrepancy , get the sexual proportion of educational person some sexual aspects of discrepancy and educational content.
See from structural level and the sexual proportion of educational person, the woman of our country when the proportion taken by educational profession is higher relative to western country, but it spreads with it located location submits the obvious relation of inverse ratio, the more higher college, the number of female teacher drops the more.
Make statistics1992In year, in the different30%To44.5%. Say specifically,29.9%; School40.4%; School36.8%; In ordinary33.3%; In occupation33.5%; Primary44.5%. From title, higher0.2The persons1.8The persons4.7The persons11%,21%And30%.[ 6Evidently, in the educational profession
Since is most basic to see by educational20The child of school2/3It is young girl. In our1990The 4th census information15It is been that31.9%, male illiterate13%, female illiterate18.9Percentage[ 7 ] 1997Year1982Compared with year, the illiterate1995Year15In the illiterate72%.[ 8
Since already enter school when school raw condition goes on statistical discovery, no matter primary school and the stage of middle school are still universities and graduate student stage, the female student who accepts regular education takes same the proportion of stage students the total number of person than man student will be low , also this proportion also as get the unceasing raising of educational level drop , present the tendency of inverse proportion. See table for details:
Show1 1993In year, our country


















Data sources: Zheng-The problem that21In century, woman educates the challenge1996.
From the sex of20Century90In times, the new round of course reform of last stage has embodied a lot of new educational theories, but have not still mentioned principle and the content of sexual equal aspect, some teaching materials that been using and new volume teaching materials also have obvious sexual role to finalize the design , and even do not duplicate and continue traditional sex voluntarily division of labor and sex role. For instance, peasant affirms is" uncle" instead of "grandmother", policeman certain is" uncle" instead of "aunt"; The doctor is " uncle" surely, nurse is "aunt" surely. Besides, the sexual value judgment of teacher for male and female student is also different. For instance, well-behaved, obedient, earnest, clean, gentle, cute etc. are that teacher hopes the quality that schoolgirl can have , schoolboy is naughty, not well-behaved , not honesty has been not been worried.[ 9

2.2The sexual
Generally speaking, female since accept high school to divide science and education give birth to beginning, convenient when the elementary educational education of primary school, and even the sexual idea common role that family education forms takes off , have formed new sexual division of labor with male, and when in soon afterwards higher education have formed obvious subject sexual distinguishing points. From it outside relevant information figure comes to see , usually, female concentrates more in humanity and the field of social sciences , and selects to manage the special field of engineering course comparatively less. In the field of natural science, female again concentrates comparatively in biology and medical and psychology special field, and the special fields such as physics, mathematics and engineering technology is the worlds of male mostly. The condition of the Taiwan region of our country has confirmed this:
Show2 1997-1998Annual Taiwan university





















Data sources: Cai is graceful, it is sexual1999.
Besides, see from the condition of Beijing region college, Beijing Normal University and Renmin University of China the school which is puting education, humanity and social sciences above everything else, it is high that schoolgirl takes proportion, manage work university in Tsinghua University and Beijing in order to manage engineering course the college that is good , it is correspondingly more few that schoolgirl takes proportion. So as the author the Tsinghua University of place is regular, now all when school livelihood totals26.312Person,6977Person takes26.52%. Specific proportion
Show3Tsinghua University


It is checking

It is checking

It is checking









Dr. graduate




Data sources:Http: / /
It3May discover , when is to manage work mainly Tsinghua University, the proportion that schoolgirl takes is far lower than schoolboy, and this ratio presents the downtrend of inverse proportion along with the raising of educational level. , in the schoolgirl of this very low proportion, it also has very most of distributions in the humanities such as the humanity institute, academy of fine arts and propagation institute of social sciences , the field of social sciences. For instance, in the class of undergraduate students of propagation institute that the author instructs , schoolgirl contract takes the total number of person95%. Besides, in Beijing university,50Times12.7%60Times20.2%70In times,39.5%80Times15.9%,90Sharplying4.6%.
Female when the above-mentioned situation in the aspect of higher education has directly restricted the qualification and ability and condition that they participate in the field of science and technology , have also decided that they are being the position of edge crowd scientifically in community. Is in America with Britain, the woman university of various types when female their employment and the training of home of natural science aspect has played very important role; And in our country, woman accepts the number of higher education, is though increasing constantly, but in general, it is still lower to study and is engaged in the female proportion of the technical research of natural science.

3The sex in the In general terms, the policy of science and technology includes the microscopic management policy of science and technology , also includes the major decision-making development program of science and technology of science and technology of country. The sexual problem in the policy of science and technology is concerned with the content of some following layer surfaces mainly, one is the sexual problem of the policy maker of science and technology, point at female in the role of taking in the decision-making process of science and technology and the force of decision making authority that has and position mainly; 2 is the sexual discrepancy in the specific management policy of science and technology , includes the existent sexual discrepancy in the systems such as promotion machine made, accomplishment award mechanism mainly; 3 is the sex in the major policy content program of science and technology is blind to regard , major finger lacks corresponding sexual equal plan and content in the policy of science and technology.

3.1The sexual discrepancy
In other words, the most of female scientific and technical personnels of our country are located in the bottom of the circle of science and technology and the management policy of our country of science and technology of the circle of science and technology in the aspects such as the funds distribution of scientific research, the accomplishment appraisal of scientific research and title assessment and system to be directly related. These policy systems since see superficially, have not aimed at the sexism of female scientific and technical personnel clearly , but have neglected female in family and the various conflict between career and double heavy duty actually , from the disadvantage on whole their development.
In recent years, in domestic, scholar has[ 10This investigation discovery40.4%The female reply50%12.6%The ability that25%It even8.9%The ability of replying26.1%Person consider23.3%Person consider as task deficiency, otherWhen in all scientific, 74%Person reflection funds lack andBut female scientific and technical personnel for national appropriation rely on comparing with male scientific and technical personnel is larger; From the independence of the project and subject of scientific research, come to seeIt has the person of9.7%The person33.6%And filling completely18.7%It is a part34.8%. Can imagine , under this kind of condition, the female scientific and technical personnel that is in bottom since position is petty and low , tense funds, may lose the autonomous right of scientific research more. From title comment, invite aspect to see , feel completely in scientific and technical personnel that satisfactory or more satisfactory person takes10%ControlFemale scientific7.9%. Feel that39.6%Female39.8%. And the person50%Female52.3%. From these figures, may discover
Actually, the bottom location and ability that is in the organization of scientific research can't get effective performance, funds are tense, add the autonomous right of scientific research lose , it is disadvantageous that cause female scientific and technical personnel to compare with the quality and the latter and quantity that does not get the resource of scientific research more male scientific and technical personnel and makes its accomplishment of scientific research to compare is in , adding title assessment and accomplishment award process again again have further sex, is blind to regard , eventually, have strengthened the bottom location of female scientific and technical personnel , so have formed vicious circle.

3.2The sex in the
For 10 near some years, woman has aroused the attention in the aspect of the western national policy of science and technology gradually with the problems such as scientific relation and the scientific career of woman. For instance, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization1996In year, world science and technology point out in report that scientific now is still the world of man, . . . . . . nearly has no woman in establishing the high-level organization of the policy of science and technology, the larger participation of woman will give one basically is the world of man dominator pours into many shapes, thus can strengthen scientific development.[ 11When AmericanNSFIn) function, also emphasize that support[ 12Besides, European Union even more fits woman into the category of the national policy of science and technology gradually with the related subject of the development of science and technology , has set up related organization , has established a series of policy file. As " in for 5th frame plan the sexual influence of special project assessment report " , " the scientific policy of European Union: Raise the report of effect through mainstream sexual equality " with " the sexual mainstream problem handbook in 6th frame plan " etc..
Compare under in, some relatively major policies of science and technology in our country, still have sex is blind to regard. With the educational development and science and technology of our country, the key specific plan of " 15 "( the development program of science and technology) is regular, it has made clear that the guideline of the development of science and technology of our country has determined key task and the duration working disposition of science and technology of " 15 " with strategy and policy, mark our country the direction of the system reform of science and technology, it is the file of guiding principle of the standard government work of science and technology and the guidance campaign of whole society of science and technology. However, in so, a important nationalness science and technology develop policy, have no content about sexual equality. For instance, is in the aspect of the training of skilled personnel , mention should strengthen policy and the macro-control of government to guide , the ample basicness role and establishment of developing market mechanism to deploy for human resource are efficiently machine made as talent encouragement and cooperation compete , perfect the talent reasonable floating system of laws and regulations , but have no training problem of mentioning female skilled personnel.
Besides, the author when for the research of the relevant policy of science and technology and established people in visit to talk also discover , many scholars think that the existing policy of science and technology does not violate the principle of sexual equality, because of policy content for male and female stipulation and treatment and requirement is the same, and the no educational force of science and technology of decision making authority for female is restricted. But actually, sex is unequal and not only pointing carry out sexism openly for female , also include the neglect of sexual equal consciousness. Existing policy is on the foundation of the overlook discrepancy of both sexes, according to the male standard of mainstream society, come to ask female , have not given them the equal opportunity that realizes development. For this, some scholar may think that shows if on policy, carrying out preference for female scientific and technical personnel that female is not as good as male really in the aspect of the intellectual ability of scientific research, so will female essence has melted , make it more difficult when the circle of science and technology stands. This kind of worrying has certain reason , but gets in current stage, if realize female in the field of science and technology with the opportunity of male equal development, it is appropriateness to adopt accommodation policy properly, also is must. Actually, we ask only this kind of equality of discrepancy of realization, instead of the overlook basic discrepancy of both sexes so that the equality that tends to coidentity.

4Case study The reason of causing the above-mentioned sexual problem in the development of science and technology of our country is various , need to be analysed from many aspects such as traditional culture, popular cultural, scientific system and system of education. , between these factors often, mutual contact is the relation of cause and effect mutual.
One of which, the factor of traditional culture. In the feudal social history of thousands of years, our country has formed a set of strict sexual system and sexual standard system. In which, the sexual idea of " your male woman inferior " and the ideal female standard of " 3 from 4 virtues " become the major reason of restraint ancient woman development. Up to today, the sex of " woman has no is just virtue " is defined , still make woman be hard to get related educational resource and social resource to some extent, can not when science and technology and political, economic and cultural field performance role. Secondly, popular cultural factor. After new China sets up , ample emphatic female is in the aspects such as politics and economy with the equal position of male. However, when the popular culture of today in, especially consumer culture still floods is for the praise of female traditional image and guide, this kind of praise and guide last melt in female for self accept to know , have strengthened society more is for the value expectation of female. For instance, will not household duties, the female who does not consider the needs of husband and family and is absorbed in work has been often thought that is not good woman. Even," woman does not grow than male strong happiness"Wife accepts higher education is
Thirdly, family factor. For young female, manage affairs yard economic condition limited, normally, had been not considered first to accept education, it is often to give the boy in home always to educate opportunity, this when economy owes developed countryside region to stick out relatively; For is married female, sociality other standard makes them have to set up to build up yard role prior consciousnessWhen family occurs conflict with career
Its 4, educate factor. In the development process of society educating always play the role of important role, it can help people on the one hand to get the opportunity that self realizes , is helpful for society to be equal to realize , it can transmit the knowledge technical ability of social mainstream and the common harmony that worths standard and promotes society constantly to coexist , lets everybody identify the role that self should play the role of more; On the other hand, educate and duplicate and strengthen idea and the phenomenon of the existent various sexual inequality in society from some degree, make resource get the position that person is in advantage , and disadvantageous group are in education still, especially the edge of higher education , are last again duplicate male strong woman is weak, besides male God, in female God, man is good at to manage work , woman is good at humanity, man is good at logic thought, woman is good at the ancient mythologies such as thinking in images with dogma. Its 5, the self factor of the development of science and technology. The very system of science and technology factor include the sex of the management system of scientific research and the existence in the major decision-making of science and technology discrepancy and is blind to regard , additionally a more important factor is since the development of science and technology of modern times when the father right cultural feature that presents in general, it when male between with science thought, the progress of science and technology and social development have formed some relation, the main part that makes the career of science and technology so excludes female systematicly by the male feature image of depicting , is made besides science and technology to be in naturally together as the image of female by the situation of excavation and oppression.
The structuralness reason on idea that factor and science and technology develop is the factor of ultimacy for the sex in the development of science and technology of our country in problem , is also the problem of more difficult solution, it can not often pass through simple equal measure only, can get improvement. But though it is so, to realize the development of female in the field of science and technology, when promoting traditional sexual idea change gradually, should also adopt practical feasible measure according to specific problem. When this, this text makes the countermeasure suggestion with brief the following mainly: Firstly, the further extensive popular idea of equality of the sexes changes the female vivid description in traditional culture and popular culture; Will especially use popular medium fully , propagate new female image , stress female and the relation of science and technology; Lead into sociality other visual angle media culture. Secondly, the sexual idea that changes traditional education further incorporates sociality other consciousness into educational category and educational theory; The sexual equal consciousness in extensive popular regular education changes some tradition for male and female thought pattern to accept to know; When higher college installation sexual equal educational course, or woman develops course; Raise the scientific educational level of woman , promote the training of female skilled personnel; Raise the popularity rate of the woman knowledge of science and technology; Raise the application ability of science and technology of woman. Thirdly, realize the sexual equalization of the management system of science and technology further , incorporate sexual equal consciousness into the establishment of the rule of scientific research; Will sociality other mainstream melts consciousness fits to enter go to the establishment of the policy of science and technology, from overall frame, consider role and the value of female fully; The sexual equal detection organization that considers related to the department internal establishment of scientific research establishes related operable program. Its 4 strengthens female doctrine scientific criticism and scientific philosophy research further; In lead into sociality other visual angle the research of science and technology and sexual problem, investigation" science - sex" operation way, power, result and the source of system, the interactions of scientific idea and as well as sexual idea; Set up related research organization and study group; Strengthening politics, economy, culture and family between etc. every field various women problem research move and exchange mutual. Its 5 is further positive to participate in international woman campaign , includes joining international woman organization, attend international woman development project and plan; Further reinforced international cooperation and intercourse are linked up in time concerning message; Know and refer to foreign successful experience, especially the effective measure in the aspect of the educational and science and technology policy of science and technology, genuine will sociality the overall planning that other development planned etc. fit into the development of science and technology of our country.
In a word, will establish harmonious society, first want establishment the harmony between sex, and a sexual harmonious important aspect again embodies the sexual equality in the development of science and technology. Solution the sexual problem in the development of science and technology for establishment and the harmonious relation between nature, promote the development of science and technology fully using the resource of both sexes , raise female survival quality and viability to have far-reaching meaning. Bibliographical reference
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(Author brief1979-), woman, Anhui hopes river person, the social research center and science and technology of Tsinghua University Dr. and graduate student, is engaged in the science and technology and social research and history of science and technology; Liu Bing(1958- ), it is male, Beijinger, the society and science and technology of Tsinghua University are research and central to instruct , is engaged in the history of science and technology, the culture of science and technology, science and technology and social research.


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