Sunday, March 9, 2008

Autocad keyboard shortcuts use knowledge summary

F1: Get help
F2: Realize to make
F3: Whether control
F4: Digitize
F5: Wait for
F6: Control state
F7: Railings
F8: Orthogonality
F9: Railings
F10: Very axle
F11: As elephant
Ctrl+B: Railings shelf
Dra: Radius
Ddi: Diameter
Dal: For
Dan: Angle
Ctrl+C: Going to the object
Ctrl+F: Whether control realizes
Ctrl + G: Railings shelf
Ctrl+J: Repetitive
Ctrl+K: It is
Ctrl+N: Create
The m of Ctrl +:
AA: Measure area and
AL: As is even(
AR: Array( array)
AP: * lsp of
AV: Open view dialog box(
SE: Open catch dialog
ST: Open script to install
SO: Draw 2 to surround
SP: The school that
SC: Shrink to put
SN: Railings shelf
DT: The installation
DI: Between measure
OI: Insert
Ctrl+1: Open property
Ctrl+2: Open image
Ctrl+6: Open image
Ctrl+O: Open image
Ctrl+P: Open to
Ctrl+S: Preserve
Ctrl+U: Very axle pattern
Ctrl + v: Paste the
Ctrl+W: Object tracks
Ctrl+X: Cut the content
Ctrl+Y: Weight
Ctrl+Z: Cancel the

A: Paint
B: Define
C: Drawing
D: Size explorer
E: Delete
F: Pour
G: For appearance
H: Fill
Me: Insert
S: Stretch
T: Text
W: Definition
L: Straight
M: Move
X: Explode
V: Install
U: Recovering
O: Deflection
P: Move
Z: Shrink
Showing demote
Adaptation perspective picture
Arrange sequentially
Angle catch(
Cartoon pattern(
Change goes
Background is locked ( switch)
Before for
Take off for
Change ( Top) view
Change after all( Bottom)
Change to watch for
Change goes to former(
Changing the user of
It is right to change
Change to have X-rayed
Circulating change the
Acquiesce in lamplight(
Delete object
Current view
Whether show geometry frame
Show first tool strip
Expert pattern %26 0; Whole
Store temporarily( Hold) site
Take back ( Fetch) site scene
Freeze the
Jump to final
Jump arrive the
Show that / hides to watch for
Show / to hide geometry body( Geometry)
Show / to hide grid(
Show that / hides to help ( Helpers)
Show / to hide light source(
Show / to hide particle system( Particle
It is twisted to show / to hide space
Lock user interface(
Match to watch for an opportunity
Material quality( Material)
Biggest current
Script editor

New site scene Ctrl
Normal( Normal) as even
Downward lighten
Upward lighten
NURBS surface the way of showing
NURBS adjustment square
NURBS adjustment square
NURBS adjustment square
Deflection catch Alt +
Open a MAX file Ctrl
Level to move view
It is high smooth to place
Play / stops
It is fast( Quick) exaggerate
Returning to last a
Returning to last a view
Removing to eliminate
Removing to eliminate
Refresh have
Exaggerate with the parameter
Exaggerate disposition
Circulate in the xy lock
Restraint goes
Restraint goes
Restraint goes
Spin ( Rotate) view pattern Ctrl
Preserve ( Save) file
Transparent show the object
Choice father object
Choice son object
Basis name choice
Choice is locked
Reduce the weak object
Show that have view grid( Grids)(
Show / to hide
Show / to hide
Showing for the last time
Show / to hide major
Show / to hide safe frame
* shows the trestle
Show / to hide tool
Percentage( Percent) is caught ( switch)
Open / to close to
Cycle passes through
Sound( switch)
Interval places object
Change goes to light
Circulating change
Son object is selected
Dose picture material quality(
Increase development
Reduce little
Activation development
Accurate input
According to name
Refresh background image( Background) Alt +
Show that geometry
View background( Background)
Frame with side( Box) will soon
Open the digital
Fictitious view moves
Fictitious view moves

Fictitious view moves
In fictitious view
Fictitious view
Fictitious view
Really color shows the
The object that view has completely
* window shrinks to put to
Shrink to put scope Alt
Window magnifies two times
Window reduction two times
Basis frame chooses
Window interactive
Window interactive
Join ( Add) key
Before for
' >Take off for
Edit ( Edit) key pattern
Editor area
Editor time
Spread out object(
Spread out locus(
Function( Function) curve
The object chosen
Move upward to
Move downward
Towards the
Towards the
Location regional
Returning to last a
Removing to eliminate
Exaggerate with the
Draw in downward
Draw in upward Ctrl
Exaggerate with the
Removing to eliminate
Signal ( Schematic)
' >Take off for
Before for
Returning to last a
Removing to eliminate
Active Shade
Draw ( Draw) area
Exaggerate ( Render)
Lock toolbar( anchor
Join filter( Filter) project
Join to input ( Input) project
Join picture layer( Layer)
Join to export ( Output) project
Join ( Add) new project
Join site scene( Scene) incident
Edit ( Edit) current incident
Carry out ( Run) sequence
It is new( New) sequence
Removing to eliminate
NURBS editor
It is normal that CV restrains
CV restraint goes to
CV restraint goes to
Show curve( Curves) Shift + Ctrl
Show that control is some( Dependents)
Show check( Lattices) Ctrl
NURBS surface the way
Show surface( Surfaces) Shift + Ctrl
Show tool case( Toolbox)
Show that surface is neat( Trims)
Basis name choice the son
The object chosen
Choice U to next point
Choice V to next point
Choice U to former point
Choice V to former point
Basis name choice
The soft object chosen
Conversion goes to CurveCV layer
Conversion goes to Curve layer
Conversion goes to Imports layer
Conversion goes to Point layer
Conversion goes to SurfaceCV layer
Conversion goes to Surface layer
Conversion goes to first floor
Conversion demotes

Change control to count ( ControlPoint) layer
Go to shelf some( Lattice) layer
Go to installation volume( Volume)
Conversion goes to the level
UVW that
Enter to edit ( Edit) UVW pattern
Use *, uvw file Alt + Shift + Ctrl
Preservation UVW is *, the file of uvw form
Break ( Break) selected
Separate ( Detach) boundary
Filter choice surface
Level falls out to turn Alt +
It is vertical( Vertical) fall out to turn
Freeze ( Freeze) the material
Hide ( Hide) the material
Unfreeze completely( unFreeze)
All cancels are hidden (
Get surface from storehouse selected
Get selected works from surface
The summit chosen
Horizontal mirror elephant Alt
Vertical mirror elephant Alt +
Horizontal move Alt + Shift +
Vertical move Alt + Shift + Ctrl
Level to move view
Pixel catch
Plane pastes picture surface / weight
Level shrinks to put Alt + Shift
Vertical shrink to put Alt + Shift
Move material
The example of
Welding ( Weld) the material particle
Weld ( Weld) go to goal material
Unwrap choose item( Options) Ctrl
Update to paste to seek( Map) Alt
Go to Unwrap view development to show
Frame chooses to magnify
Go to Unwrap view development to choose the size
Shrink to put to Gizmo size
Shrink to put (
Reactor( Reactor)
Establish ( Create) reaction( Reaction)
Delete ( Delete) reaction( Reaction) Alt
Editor state( State) switch Alt
Installation biggest influence(
Installation minimum influence(
Install influence to worth (
ActiveShade( Scanline)
The ware of

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