Saturday, March 1, 2008

Horse Britain 9: Firing ash is Taiwanese , will not be unified with continent negotiation country

The sea net message of February 25" national identification" become to thank the focus of horse first site debate , inquire while facing the representative of citizen " I am who? " problem, Kuomintang "the president" candidate horse Britain 9 is expressed , he wants child to identify this piece of land, he is Taiwanese, he also so educates offspring, tell his offspring that he though does not be born in Taiwan , but can bury after dying in Taiwan, " firing is Taiwanese for ash. "

Report according to " Taiwan joint newspaper ", horse Britain 9 is still expressed especially with language, following horse Britain 9 to just change to become country language say that will do in the future a " straight Taiwanese " , is just Hong Kong's, honest and Taiwanese , is a decent honest Taiwanese.

A lot of horse Britain seniors such as 9 emphatic, his A Mas regard Taiwan as the place of burying bone , Taiwan is his hometown, in the future, he will be Taiwan mainly , is favorable for people , creates Taiwan to become paradise , must maintain sea peace. He emphasizes , his continent policy is not Tong is not only and not military , when " The president he " take the charge of the problem that not with continent negotiation country unified.

Thank length Ting say , self never hesitates to say that self is Taiwanese, Taiwan is upright for me to live in the place of life, why people feel that child does not teach , because before having person for decade, say that self is new and Taiwanese , say 5 years ago that self is that Taiwanese is also Chinese , now again says that self is Taiwanese, this piece of land lives in to stand the place of life. Horse response says that he applies for green card when studying in America, abandonment in America good Wo work return dedication, have not influenced him is for the identification of Taiwan and love, he is also to educate own child so.

銆€Horse for brook

"the president" general election comes on stage in debate yesterday, national two party candidate horse Britain 9s , thank length Ting talk about and live in people problem big Xiu live in people words. Horse when debate process is deeply a bow, is previous when brook continent tribe make an indiscreet remark to apologize.

Stopwatch shows , before of more than 10 years taking charge of " law affir minister" take the charge of , have accepted to raise east too the tribe child in flax, because accepting to raise relation know to live in the problem of people. He thinks that lives in the assistance of more people needs to strengthen competitiveness , otherwise future development can still receive.

Thank length Ting expression, many Taiwanese bloods have to live in people blood relationship , picture he has to level Pu clan blood relationship, live people has very good culture, such as the culture of symbiosis collective life, the person of level ground should want to study.

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