Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Capture robber in night

Capture< xml:namespace prefix=o ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">

< xml:namespace prefix=st1 ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags">< chsdate w:st=on isrocdate=False islunardate=False day=1 month=9 year=2007>9Month1Day< chsdate/>It20Allow , according to the department city Strike-Hard21Control, when it patrols to a south loop certain product factory, hears that there is person to shout: " grasp him , grasp his . . . . . ." policemen hear the news to get off immediately to run after, will this criminal suspected person is taken in in road site catches.

In place is on duty110Order: In jurisdiction, somebody catches a robber, please happen quickly Jing! When I in-form Lao Qiao, policemen have gone to local police station, I hurry to descend the stairs check condition, it is high to see this person only165 CMControl, shiny black skin,20Year is controled. By verification, this person is a village people of the town certain village of the area just outside a city gate , goes out because of being angry with household and frustrating at home to drink after 72 liquors, when it flees to my jurisdiction, endure raw robber since hunger is difficult Yi . . . . ..

Patrol unexpectedly by me policeman grabs

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