Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Life comprehension Sub_clause of 20

Life comprehension< xml:namespace prefix=o ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">


銆€銆€Freedom signifies to be able

Life where have fast knot,

Stage of life has no to pretend , is

Mask is put on for a long time

When working , do not

In marriage, most torment

Clever person should be happy

Real gentleman is: So as

Safety instructions: The first person,

Sociality is repeated, because everybody

World goes up only meeting along

Animal believes only the thing that

It can share with you if genuine pain

Make one exhausted is not the very

Making one depressed

The different some ones of wealth

See if often going , your president

The reason that a lot of persons make

Life has no if,

Miss old times , , , not because

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