Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Officialdom reveals true features notes

Officialdom< xml:namespace prefix=o ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">

One and.Deputy
Though, crow yarn is little, than have no , as soon as group does not haggle over gently, has tea to smoke to read newspaper. Straight duty authority arrogates , as soon as subordinate is in charge of each, spreads. The most happy deputy post saves worry , has no matter to be only too glad , is leisurely.
2 , as.The
Zuo night rises to write speech , boil eyelid
3, predict.It
There are leading colored money, finance is very important. Already have no money on account, still have big ticket. Poor also do not fear , take newspaper by all means. Will arrive to leave the post audit, rich all a smile.
4, recall.Driver
Drive , but it is tight to need wind,
5 , ugly.Department
Teenager does not know that promotion is difficult, beginning comes to office. Beginning comes to office, think to make progress if is ordinary. Now, know that promotion is difficult, make the face of synthetic perspiration. Make the face of synthetic perspiration, have no duty to have no right to feel ashamed station person is former.
6, give.Second
Last year celebrates a festival , the guest in home such as cloud. If smoke wine amasses mountain, every one of covert payment sinks. In this year when celebrating a festival , in home, do not see. In the past guest of honour, go to your new door all.

After I have seen above

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