Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Is again the season of wheat harvest

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Along with the sound of cuckoo, night again goes to wheat harvest, my mood has returned to livelihood I raise my little village, taking mobile phone to father have called telephone: " I will attend community policeman speech next week, report group, the wheat harvest of this year has again cannot catch up , last year since attending to hold a post to train, have not attended wheat harvest , I at heart very sorry . . . . . ." father when telephone that: " no matter, the wheat harvest in home needs not to be your , your younger brother not is at home? The moreover current wheat of tighten up does not choose a person for the job force , harvester is very convenient, you are decent matter, do not hinder working . . . . . . " I know father this is advising me , fear that I worry about the matter in home.

Actually, I know that wheat harvest most needs manpower in season , is time of the grain ration of gains annual family between short few opportunity. So far, I have lived in the year more than 10 in this little city, eat whole is the wheat that native land gives kneads dough to whitewash , this has saved many funds to me, mother has said proudly: " the kind of native land few mu lands, support our family7Person has land only , will not starve! In " mood, it

Is again the season of wheat harvest, and I am far with wheat

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