Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Check inventory for 2007

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2007In our national history in one year that is not ordinary , there are many major events , happy event many, instability matters are many, also have long complexity and the uncertainty of the work of public security. Today, it is free , in light happy sound2007Have gone gradually into

In this year, it is painful one year. As time run off , own close old man has gone successively, reserve to self is full of to love with pain. When is sad in front of with music , self is more and more silent , more and more taciturn . . . . ..

In this year, it is honorary one year. Beginning of the year had been commented for 10 whole city good community policemen, 3th class honor upright personal merit is advanced and typical, when 8 whole city county two district touring reports 10. In the behind of fresh flower and applause, the labor paid out by oneself has gotten approval and repayment.

In this year, it is successful one year. Department county party committee gives self one displays working stage, on this stage, self Jing field, work hard , first Chui Fan. Have brought the problem that troops has not occured.

In this year, it7Year2007Is the history of public security goes to work to make project arrangement at most , one year with the most fussy items, the most strict requirement and minimum funds. Because working pressure often suffers from insomnia in former half a year; Because it is tired and excessive , returns to home in second half of the year to tumble into bed.

In this year, it is happy one year. In own busy behind, spouse has found a work; Son can maintain independence land insist to study , not use household back and forth receive to send to study at school , and learning score is thriving , gets praise and the praise of school teacher repeatedly.

In this year, it is one year of exert oneself. Facing a shambles, self grabs from zero, bit by bit is grabed , makes self have gotten exercise , also makes a backward local police station have walked out of low valley step by step.

The fight by oneself of a person makes self clear: " dry work, doing not pull solely turn , do not see road; " have understood difficulty and stumble foot is come from inside instead of external reason; Have understood the sinister and crafty reason of the villain behind of smiling face; Have understood me this small towns of place the former not ordinary history and that makes one hateful and dirty and make one abandon; Have understood the dangerous reason . . . . . of towns and villages all over the country.

Check2007, look2008. The course of exert

Is willing that my friend

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