Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Meng Jian Zhu: Embodying the working accomplishment of public security in improvement ensure the people"s livelihood

Meng Jian Zhu: Embodying< xml:namespace prefix=o ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">

According28Day morning, the Ministry of Public Security convenes leading cadre meeting , announces that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China takes the responsibility for the decision of comrade post adjustment mainly about the Ministry of Public Security. Meng Jian Zhu expresses that to put forth effort to solve , people most cares about , is most direct , the most realistic interests problem, outstanding Human factors come first. and enforce the law are peoples, embody the working accomplishment of public security more when improvement the people's livelihood and guarantee the people's livelihood goes up , maintenance and the social harmony of give an impetus to are stabilized.

Meng Jian Zhu points out since, the sixteen big of party, the strong lead in the Party Central Committee and the State Council takes off , comrade Zhou Yongkang and the Ministry of Public Security party committee one class person works tightly around the whole country of the whole Party overall interest, should lead the nation-wide developing of Public Security Bureau for various risks and challenges actively to keep forging ahead , have defended national security and society efficiently to stabilize , have strengthened the safe sense of people. For 5 years, the nation-wide organization of Public Security Bureau has developed a series of major activitieses such as " big discussion ", " big troop training ", " receive to visit " and " grab grass-roots do spade work to practice hard basic skill ", promulgating have implemented " 5 prohibition" , concentrate to put out30Convenience sharp people measure, one step a footprint land promotion the work of public security unceasing create a new situation , get new progress, the work of public security is being in one of best period in history. Comrade Zhou Yongkang and a class of the Ministry of Public Security of party committee are artificial and this to work the heart out , have paid out huge effort. The correct working train of thought that Public Security Bureau must determine according to comrade Zhou Yongkang and the party committee of the Ministry of Public Security nation wide is grabed continuously, as soon as taking the charge of to follow as soon as take the charge of trunk , the stability, developing and continuity that maintains work accomplish " strength goes grass-roots in make and work to go really trunk " , carry forward good tradition, good work style and the good thoughts of the party committee of the Ministry of Public Security and comrade Zhou Yongkang.

Meng Jian Zhu says that although having not been surpass policeman in his working experience to examine , he is always having special feelings for people's public security, cherish for the people's troops of public security deeply respect. The troops of public security is a political firm troops, that is loyal to duty and has the courage to dedicate and have strong combat effectiveness , is the loyal troops that a party and people may trust completely. In entire political-legal troops, most work hard is public security, sacrificing and being wounded most is also public security. For the peaceful happiness of people of motherland, the masses of policeman of public security has made huge contribution, some have even sacrificed the most valuable life. Nation-wide Public Security Bureau and the masses of policeman of public security must study to the Britain mould of public security , study them to be loyal to party , are loyal to motherland , are loyal to the people's intrinsic political quality, that is loyal to law , study them to concern about masses , stand on the professional ethics of own job and diligent working, unselfish dedication , firm ideal faith further , put the interestses of people and party in the first place forever , accomplish throughout " people's public security is people ".

Meng Jian Zhu emphasizes that studies the spirit of seventeen big of the party of put into practice conscientiously , is the primary political task of current Public Security Bureau. Nation-wide Public Security Bureau and the masses of policeman of public security must study conscientiously , are deep to understand , implement the spirit of seventeen big of party firmly , know thought conscientiously to unify the spirit of seventeen big to party , condense wisdom and strength to implement task and the 17 every dispositions of party that put forward , communicate the 17 requirements of the important speech on big spiritual all cadre meeting of the party of put into practice according to comrade Zhou Yongkang in the attached office of the Ministry of Public Security , hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics firmly, hold the work of public security firmly located historical position, make clear the historical mission of be entrusted with , meet new situation, new task and the new expectation of people actively, puting the work of public security in the overall situation of build a well-off society in an all-round way voluntarily plan and think deeply , play function role fully , offer strong guarantee and first-rate service with great efforts for economic social development; Put forth effort to solve people to most care about , is most direct , the most realistic interests problem, it is people to stress Human factors come first. and enforce the law, embody the working accomplishment of public security more when improvement the people's livelihood and guarantee the people's livelihood goes up , defend and promote social harmony to stabilize; Implement the seventeen big of party spirit and make a success of current work combines closely, grab the implementation of every working measure of public security ruthlessly , ensure that social overall interest is steady , the order of public order is steady; For really pragmatic spirit and work style, grab the project " 3 bases" unremittingly to go down , must reach expected purpose.

Meng Jian Zhu shows , under the correct lead of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, rely on a class person of the Ministry of Public Security of party committee tightly under comrade Zhou Yongkang's directly commands , rely on office all comrade of the Ministry of Public Security tightly , unite and lead whole country180The policeman of 10 thousand of public security remembers responsibility, Ke faithfully carry out the duty to guard , keep pace with the times , it is entered forward that blaze new trails pushes the career of public security constantly, to open up new prospects for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and capture the new victory of build a well-off society in an all-round way to do , make deserved contribution.

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