Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Is in debt to manage

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Always since, I do not like liability ,

Since arriving this new local police station to take the responsibility , own pressure is great , is consuming for this unit to have let thought , has exhausted energy. For funds, seem in ancient time monk: " A-Mi-Tuo Buddha . . . . . ." melt brazenly everywhere destiny, decide words everywhere. Have not only owed the debt of gratitude of household in some months , have still owed the fund debt of household.9Month comes in, can fool in any case to give place sooner or later add hardware, the brothers of local police station can attend to belly, run car. Ponder upon the external debt on the gold of postage due, it is more insufficient than the last , than take off have to remain is own great hit the mark , in other words, since this founds country, in most difficult period of public security, steady development is the annotation for that self is best.

Steal secretly to like have

One Give every local police station installation heating, city department gives coal piece , asks county department to give the cost of boiler, the own burden radiator of local police station and pipeline.

2 , "the Four Modernizations" builds , meaning happen Jing standard enforce the law. Here surface what road is which? It is to ask grass-roots finance an undertaking, give Xie frequently unified garments, change sheet Jing equipment, equipment equips kitchen etc..

Rough calculate finally11021000 Yuan controls. Several88It is first! After " have heard, self falls , have taken out cool air, have not fainted nearly to pass: " city department this sends is heating? What this sends is airconditioning! These costs spent, reach the vehicle of one year of local police station have refueled . . . . . . "

For political achievements,

Force you to be

Perhaps, my thought is

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