Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Lu southwest region celebrates the New Year custom

Lu southwest

Celebrate"The", is my tradition of Chinese nation of thousands of years holiday. My Chinese nation, land broad person is dense, ethnic group is numerous, various places and each national customs are not identical each. But celebrate the New Year this folk custom, whole country very one to. Is each ethnic group of various places when each not at the same time the acting way of celebrating has difference each Ba La. This text takes notes Lu southwest region early in last century 40- - -60 decade celebrate< xml:namespace prefix=o ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">

Then, as soon as general household enters the twelfth month, woman begins to get ready , have especially eaten La 8 meals, annual taste recovers to recover is thick, for example do new clothing to child when that times colored money buy ready-made clothes nearly have no , it is that self does completely, can spend money to withdraw some foreign cloth do new clothing already is very is luxurious, is since spin from the cloth of uneducated person woven , this new coarse cloth also some do not , do do not take the new , it is old to also take apart to wash or renovate one , minimum will also give child a fresh feeling. Make the clothing of child, having to begin to prepare grain mill surface to prepare to steam celebrate the New Year Mo , Huang Mian millet use bubble first thorough use roller roller is thin. Wheat is rubed to make surface first want more in vain, to use wet cloth completely , is ground again after treating cool trunk, receive guest or going to the used for kissing string friend reserve with the self of former two times of surface and other to celebrate the New Year to eat.

Can not pass good year, under certain condition still kill pig to slaughter sheep , there are big village person, pig will have one special kill pig group, as soon as into the twelfth month, not few days will begin to start work to kill pig , one day, it is some to kill , always last to the 278th of the last month of the lunar year, surrounding the children of sight you want pig hoof to clip ( when lamp point play ) he wants pig urine to soak to play ( Lou balloon plays ).

The 23th of the last month of the lunar year, Lu southwest calls off year: Sign have entered the Spring Festival( stage) beginning from this day to always last to the 15th of the first month of the lunar year. This day has been this day in time that is diction kitchen range, meaning is that this year has passed basically, Wang Ye of kitchen range of pipe kitchen will return until day to jade emperor big emperor report he the condition of this home of place has gone , evening, domestic home will be full to Wang Ye of kitchen range on boiled dumplings, put to let fruit , burn fragrant and paper yard, if the population in this annual home are complete, it is that all person in outside has celebrated the New Year home , still buies again the diction sugar of kitchen range( crisp sugar), meaning is to glue the mouth of Wang Ye of kitchen range with sugar, return day go up say the good deed of this one year afterwards only, do not say that ruin , so, the antithetical couplet of the side of kitchen range is:"In Heaven, speech"After everything is over , burns the fragrant ingot paper money on temperature, the king of kitchen range of be old picture uncovers temperature , this lets to send Wang Ye of kitchen range Heaven. When until noon of the 30th of the last month of the lunar year, burning perfume again, please come down , this has to still want to buy one again certainly is new to paste. The 23th of the last month of the lunar year is also time of market confused city, normally, all person that does business will pay to the host of market to fit land money , will have certain regular place , must not take in disorder this day, the host of market also does not receive land money , may also cover an area of in disorder, have to sell firecracker also may than put firecracker , sell soundly rich paper yard , sell the day supernatural pictures such as grandfather, the grandfather of God of Wealth, door-god, Wang Ye of kitchen range and ox horse king( Chinese respects the god of China, Taoism god never respects the god of Buddhism. ) , the flower put on on girl head. .Wait for until various annual

Beginning from this day, the step of year is more and more tight. Men are to go marketing on shop to purchase special purchases for the New Year , what meat ( is pork mutton mostly mainly), vegetable , the condiment of daily necessaries , smoke wine sugar tea , asking universe, God of Wealth, the king of kitchen range, door-god and ox horse king( god) sell fragrant rich paper. Boy most likes the fireworks firecracker that plays , the flower that girl and young woman most like , first rope. .. Women are busy cannot deliver open, clean hygiene , wash off all tableware and kitchen , preparation steams Mo , Bei vegetable. Steam Mo is a biggest task before, year want Bei enough same family eats the meal of half month tea, it is a dozen of to have swept hygiene, will begin to steam Mo, after steam the thick first, steam the thin. Steam have: The steamed bun of wheat flour, colored pudding, steamed twisted roll and yellow, white beans filling Mo , millet surface pudding. The 29th of the last month of the lunar year or 30 still fries vegetable and crisp vegetable. Frying vegetable have: Fry vegetable ball and chicken ball , glue surface the various balls such as ball, fry fish , fry lotus root to suit , crisp meat, crisp eggplant. 30 this day is most busy, eat prematurely meal, family housewives stew the offeringses such as ox mutton chicken duck fish and feast vegetable. Male man draws water , sweeps courtyard, on forest land, ask god( forefather), still seeking person to write antithetical couplet paste the door-god of antithetical couplet , still paste on the shadow wall of the back, on major furniture"Good"Word"Like" "Spring"Word. Antithetical"Day increases the" "To sun family ." "Good fortune such" "A gruel a meal when think"New some antithetical"Pool eastern thought"Also have since have woven , so as show to think that get rid of to pay a New Year call is old as kowtowing to practice , it is repaired that there are position to be named orchid in our village, it is very some representatives that he has paid antithetical couplet from volume after one to fall , he says:"Celebrate the New"Paste door-god, rich person"Respect"Give to look"5 sons"The New Year pictures of etc., have no money buy some of scarlet papers , seek person to write , antithetical couplet, door-god, good fortune and word one paste decorate full courtyard full house is colorful. General household when 2930 paste antithetical couplet, if home has to be in debt , want debt to avoid , early in 278, paste antithetical couplet , demand repayment person sees household only to paste last antithetical couplet do not go to demand repayment. Noon, certain first when the universe each road immortal that includes row Zu Lie Zong table is former to put offerings, burn joss sticks to kowtow , ask god to come to home to celebrate the New Year. Afternoon, man will clean net courtyard to scatter last sesame afterwards Kai before, every door puts to stumble stick, say allegedly, courtyard scatters sesame Kai will resemble sesame in time that is to indicate new one year to bloom the same section festival is high. Door before put to stumble stick is to resemble door-god shape to block monsters invasion. Housewives busy pack 30 evenings and beginning early in the morning go up boiled dumplings, this two fillings of boiled dumplings must be plain, meaning is plain and neat one year. Boies mostly 32 have a match on street firecracker plays , see that whose firecracker is more loud. Girls match whose clothing is beautiful, the flower on head is more beautiful. Lu southwest region celebrates the New Year and not in emphasize studies night eat reunion dinner, but a this annual final meal that is the plain filling dumpling of wheat flour surely, in this pot dumpling, it still has a money on inside pack, allegedly who in same family if have eaten it, that he( she) is the persons who most has good luck , female host still cries out when taking off dumpling a next dumpling , so as show will soon put firecracker, as soon as firecracker sounds , under dumpling, pot and dumpling make pot, have respected universe forefather Zhu Lu and immortal, family person begins to share day Lun, spend New Year's Eve. In the evening, housewife still presses pot with food crops , is to scatter food crops in pot top , in meaning pot for a year, will not run out of food , forever richness has to remain. Having time still fold some paper yard preparations to each road gods to burn to use. Big people give children before sleeping in this night to give as security the money of year-old , that is afraid of 3 Mao Liang Maoes, children do not leave empty waist surely , are the daughter-in-law that marries recently, grandmother must also give. Meaning is to hope that children are in the future certain and rich, must compete big money.

Guard year:"Pass", normally, say that that is the good friend, of some 156s and 178s of young boies who most likes to play , everyone takes some food and drink from home, drink for wine finger-guessing game chat, put firecracker, lively a night.

Together with big beginning of the year early, pay a New Year call , is to all not know that there is the rule of how many years after all. People do not light in day, is early early ( do not rise except still guarding the household in obedient issue in 3 years besides so early) a divinatory symbols that first put the most loud biggest firecracker, woman temperature water lets family person wash Shu backward own old man kowtows to pay a New Year call to pay respect, then, order man or child prepares firecracker to take off dumpling , has eaten the dumpling of first one, man seek a compatriot brother or sister in law to each home to senior pay a New Year call , as soon as enclosing , day has lit , adult child play everyone have gone , certainly, meeting the senior that did not see to want still to kowtow pay a New Year call.

In first month of the lunar year, first 2 is to go to the first day that kisses Bai You , may always last to the 14th of the first month of the lunar year beginning from this day, it is recently newest to go to relation first, according to this custom, slowly the first 2 of first month of the lunar year has become time special when young person goes to father-in-law. This day early in the morning, new daughter-in-law washes and dresses to dress up , grandmother gives early, have packed gift: Various snow-white Mo Mo , refreshments pack in courtesy box, additionally, still use scarlet burden to wrap a biggest colored pudding , give parents' home in order to demonstrate the handicraft of husband's family. Under certain condition will use old four-wheel vehicle, again under certain condition use Yuan vehicle, that looks luxurious and many more. Seek a good soldier in charge of pack animals to seek one again accompany wine person( let to accompany guest) in order to avoid father-in-law home accompany person new woman Xu inebriate is not pretty. Having no vehicle seek 1 or 2 lift box or carry basket ( also accompany wine person simultaneously). People just eat prematurely meal, relative runs on avenue to see to go, to see who, the daughter-in-law of home hits , is beautiful as wishing. Having gone to father-in-law home have to accompany person , lead into drawing room, take a meeting slightly after having tea, have person to lead woman Xu pay a New Year call , row Zu Lie Zong that gives father-in-law home first Bai error afterwards, give father-in-law mother-in-law again Bai, then go again outside gives should Bai seniors one by one Bai. First 3 begins other relative to pay a New Year call. Celebrate the New Year for duration each domestic fair closes city, the first 21 of first month of the lunar year little business I begin street string town to buy child most like the pear eaten paste, candy, sugar benevolent, fried peanut and drop gold. Girl insert the thing of, first rope etc.. These little business persons go to street string lane to always want to last to the 15th of the first month of the lunar year, have added a lot of lively angry minutes to street surface.

The first 5 of"Broken". Here, there are two sayings: One , is not quite lucky time, do not be easy to work especially , so seldom have person in this day to work , no matter what handiwork not do. 2, it is also that one does business for time of business the first business, the first meal of today must eat dumpling, when dumpling takes off pot, must still put firecracker , is beginning from today , no matter doing big business little business to want the firecracker that first puts a scarlet kidney , dozen runs to teach air , begins to open business successively, market also begins to have business.

In first month of the lunar year, first 7 is the birthday of 7 girls( allegedly is Vega) on day, some girls can seek one to come such as Lang Jun, want in the first 4 or 5 of first month of the lunar year meticulously Zha system 7 girl shapes, a day 3 meals and fragrant fires consecrate , until evening of the first 7 of first month of the lunar year after consecrating , send Heaven.

In first month of the lunar year, first 10 is the birthday of stone, the supper of this day will respect one to turn stone( the stone implement of peasant family) for example feed door, hammer cloth stone and the stone groove of livestock Chen etc..

In the 13th of the first month of the lunar year, it is the birthday of fiery supernatural grandfather, allegedly who home if do not consecrate fiery supernatural grandfather, in this year, may catch fire at home, so, in the first 7 or 8 of first month of the lunar year, want Zha go up Shu all handle, burn joss sticks to consecrate , count handle till evening to 13 in 7 or 8 o'clock , send him besides village. Each household of this day each home send fiery god , besides village, it is also especially lively.

The 12th of the first month of the lunar year and 3, begining to ask the girl with married near 12 years( girl) to return parents' home to pass the( show name the Lantern Festival) life of 15 compare richness, is some, still together with son-in-law a please come , it is been all right just that however, if really ask son-in-law, that is so real that have economic strength, son-in-law, please come , is on good terms afterwards every day wine good vegetable does not say , still let it put enough fireworks to get into the various firecrackers such as 2 day monkey pedals every day in the evening. Play enough mood. Those uncle uncle homes want in turn please have meal. Always last to the 16th of the first month of the lunar year.

The 15th of the first month of the lunar year, have the first political integrity after the Spring Festival , modern person claims the Lantern Festival ,( may Lu southwest region never develops to eat sweet dumpling ) this day, day is not dark , domestic home the dumpling of drinking water. Is wounded in battle lamp, put fireworks, at that time Lu southwest region celebrates the New Year to put firecracker only, do not put fireworks , only just set off fireworks in the 15th of the first month of the lunar year before, domestic door is wounded in battle lamp. Have no Cai lamp will also insert a pair of little ocean La. In a lot of villages for active cultural life, add holiday angry minute , still hold to turn a basket of flowers , after pack load carbon broken pig iron with a basket of iron openwork to light a fire by a person turn , the more turn the more rapid, a meeting, the red piece of pig iron burns infrared break up to fall when on the ground or wall goes up , spark 4 splashes is pretty very much. People watch lamp finish, it is very late to arrive only, just burn perfume again will please each road immortal that comes sends Heaven, in order to show the finish of the Spring Festival.

In the 16th"Run": This kind of tradition also has a lot of calendar histories , is to get up in the morning in the 16th of the first month of the lunar year, people go one after another , as if current morning of urban resident is the same as practicing , it can give 100 illnesses to run and has fallen if saying that come out in this day run. So, it is well-known"Run".

Mark in the 161th of the first

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