Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Who has intruded our right?

Who has intruded< xml:namespace prefix=o ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">

One month3Since month, do

Under the steady form of overall interest of whole country, it is inning chess , stabilizes the first place! How many does person lean in steady forefront? And do you work hard , work hard and throw home to stick to , say perhaps that are not clear? Especially our policeman, more special is the policeman of local police station, body, a line wraps flat to contract , and gathers responsibility in one body? Other persons are which? Have you no responsibility? Inspect! When facing returning reason do tell all mysteriously " lead pays attention very much, must not have an accident , will soon adjust . . . . . . " etc.

30It is shared that for many24Studies4, this returns the twice above meeting opened not one day , adds preparation department city inspection, we is when work overtime to add work , in one month, I ponder upon rest one day: The "labor law" of the People's Republic of China is suitable for the troops of our policeman after all, is not is we not the citizen of the republic? Stipulate on law, work overtime to pay to work overtime cost, we work overtime to subsidize to whom want? Lead says " the region of your backward region calculate, many aspects fall behind other regions , do you add some work if not work overtime , are to have cannot catch up perhaps in short time? " have reason very much, but lean our persons only , is dry as fighting , can oust go up? Do I doubt very much? When a minute money have no condition take off, the fund on the grass-roots of high voltage? Appear on the stage surface? Last form? Are you coherent as being all right?

It is coherent

Manpower is few, funds have no guarantee, the policemen!

Today, two o'clock in the morning is allowed , town lead orders " jurisdiction a mental diseases goes to province your home visit , your local police station will go to receive after, have received, send the hospital of -Ji-Ning-Dai-Zhuang of mental diseases, what does not also say , work through moreover . . . . . . ", have no method, I have to borrow vehicle through night, lead both sides Xie go to frequently through night, when return on the road, the person of mental diseases grabs my steering wheel on hand continuously three times on the road in high speed, some of have an accident nearly reason, after returning to home, I always fear after the event. The business of this non public security, will be duty-bound as the policeman of our grass-roots land go to do? Why? What is is end of the year, the lead of small towns counts funds to solution! Is it glad that this has to still see the secretary to time? Like money, it is one of his person , glad give alms to your some . . . . .s.

Does our constabulary right

In year, this rear time and domestic matter are compared , wife criminal has scorching appendix , scalds well closely afterwards by hot water, still, no good condition takes off her illness, my and continuous cold of one week is feverish, infusion few days, a whole March, we a is to live in a rapid rhythm. Together with the pressure in work, it is burnt first meshed volume simply, have time to remember really a little disappointed Yi is cold, ponder upon , the work of fighting , is for whom?

Perhaps, it is not

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