Sunday, February 24, 2008

Dark star person poem does 10( 1990)

Dark star10It( 1990Year)

1, think

- - sight oil painting"

Put length

Sight decides


Expensive head


Sunshine has strid

Besides female

Do you

The oblique satchel


This city is the

Wolf smoke rises from all

Mottled door column

Each door nail is the story

War has

This city perhaps

Countless ignorance

High one of city wall

Each piece of brick wall

When can blow

Perhaps, you

Sight flings city

Native land in

Listen attentively

If weep

Not! Perhaps is

The honor of this

Your eye in flow

City wall receives


Pour: " our De city"88.8Back

2, is

- - delivers

Survival when

Blood color has

In cold sight

It can be settled

Life is group

You chew summer

Your elephant

May the proof

In a cup of wine,

Pawning one day

Youthful call

Life kernel is

Because what will

However is first

3, it will

Gush have moved

He have done

Remember double

Feelings becomes black

Now cicada sound

It is sad and sad

Is fully aware

Still roll up

It is extra

It is the ending

Will not have

Will not have little

4, a beautiful

This is a not this

Want to be travel

A group thick fog

The bonfire of dark

Have kind strange

Hear language to

So the return starting

Have road do not

Fully, the

Cut a beautiful

5, miracle

Have to call coloration

I become one to

Hear that autumn

I again become a

Know that

The forward that

Take the charge

Doing not return

Elegy Silence

Miracle Will

6, under

Bear My old

Mark freely do

Few degrees

I when foundation



Shallow Have soaked

It is to move

The now old

We have not

7, think

Column when

Column when

Horizon distant

The old tree

The leaf of Chinese

Remembering spring

Not think of 9

Not think consider

Now autumn wind

Do not look back

Pipe your lucky

Pipe your birthday

Military school

My mood is remaining

8, I do

Dead deathtrap

Work die

When love in

You give birth

I die with

So deviate from

Night, when one


It is come

In summer, a fairy

Excellent moving

It is drunk

Knell prays

In fall, I go

Nobody carves

Having feeling

The crime

Dead crime

I, it does

9, a kind

A kind of poem burns

When the fountainhead

A kind of poem bursts

Do not see blazing

A kind of poem

In the groan

A kind of poem as

Walk out of dead

A kind of poem on

Spot total in

A kind of poem

Cross soft plum rains

A kind of poem

Is uneasy for one

10, your

- - problem

Sight wanders

A little have

Past event passes

Keep silent in rise

He pool gentle breeze

Former days sweet

The eaves of little

It do not be superficial

Depend on window

As your tired

Your sight

Do you seek

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