Monday, February 25, 2008

Do smile! Anti-corruption game" honest and upright soldier" can turn over who?

Is recent, Ningbo city sea daybreak district century member, group district member and west door street party work member lasts 2 years, joint R%26D happens a set of reside religion in music anti-corruption network game" honest and upright soldier". This game depicts a growth when in " corrupt official runs wild " world " honest and upright soldier", through fighting with the battle of wits of corrupt official, it is brave , resists " wins promotion and gets rich " to entice , comes to reach to resist the unceasing accumulation that stale experience worths , enters a political Clear and Bright eventually , people live and work in peace and contentment " honest and upright fairyland". Is playing , player passes through unceasing punishment corrupt official and help honest official , enter " honesty studies hall " the channels such as further study increase game index and rise in rank." punish evil excludeTo prevent that netizen over indulges this

This action anti-corruption may be called really apply mind also. However, the person of brains can't help asking a question: Is this in charge of to use? We know , geting on the Internet to play the mainstream of game is teenagers for elephant , lets them increase anti-corruption ability and anticorrosive consciousness through playing this game , has this educational meaning? Can it play the part of certain defence and warning role for the society of our common rotten problem? If can not, so, signify that 3 above units take the money of taxpayer to use in disorder, the very money of confused taxpayer are also a kind of rotten expressions; A kind of covert criminal behavior.

It is anti-corruption, will do first to settle rotten since is what come. Need not explain that we are clear, these rotten behaviors such as abuse of power for personal gains and the power of ill use is come from in privilege field; Come from in the place in which the supervisor of public opinion loses restriction for power organization; Come from the dead angle that lack just and credibility degree and public opinion can not reach. When this not transparent dead angle, power person is often to work rely on conscience instead of handling affairs openly according to the regulation of law and discipline. They are the program person of established anti-corruption system , are at the same time also to stand with examination France in the person of rotten forefront. It is rotten , has become the symbol of power person. It is rotten; Have also become to behave proud capital. It is not that everybody can enjoy this kind of proud capital, its and ordinary common people not fated to , common peoples think of this stale lifetime also stale do not get up.

Have understood septic source, the big people of so Ningbo city sea daybreak district research and develop this game energetically, in Hu Lu is to sell what medicine actually? Who can guarantee that lead will not invest in Ningbo city sea daybreak district to withdraw to the students manpower hair of each school in this area this a set of game compact disk? Or do you say that will not propagate energetically through district Youth League committee , let young one on each unit post join in game troops in working hour , comprehend anti-corruption true essence through this game?

Do smile! Knowledge is rotten, it is rotten to be on guard , let teenagers come to accept with this kind of educational way. This kind of realization behavior is very absurd and ridiculous, just as corrupt official falls ill for teenagers, takes medicine. I think , rotten submit is former and stale to succeed , it is not the problem that national quality makes decidedly , but is that power does not finish by supervisor and public opinion by the necessity of vacuum. A morals are again noble , the youth of again excellent quality, only his grasp on hand various do not get the power of supervisor, can arise putrefaction phenomenon surely, any anticorrosive education instil into means do not carry fart to use. Set up healthy tendency , restrain unhealthy trend , settle cerebrum , need no doubt, but they are not septic manufacture and propagate person! Put the cart before

Say ," it is rotten", we will not forget , few days before, each big newspaper has published the news report that Chen Liang Yu has been detained , case enters judicial program. Mention especially in report: Chen Liang Yu will go up Huang Pu 56 years ago trivial length begin abuse of power for personal gains , afterwards though, official position rises all the way directly, but the power trade of backstage has never stoped. Namely, abuse of power for personal gains begins pregnancy from this day when Chen Liang Yu will go up district length to give birth. Chen Liang Yu now has no opportunity to speak , it does not go back to the mechanism of road that if have , hate this one surely let him go. This mechanism when his vision is dye vat; It is the bed of communicable disease. Make mud and do not dye , only sage can accomplish , honest and upright soldier also can not.

It can not accomplish that I say ," honest and upright soldier", that is because we live in such a septic social environment with culture. The rotten popular feeling in-depth; A kind of code of conduct that becomes society gradually has formed a kind of social psychology on this foundation, this is " rotten environment" and" rotten culture". Is in this special cultural environment, do we take what to believe? Believe that is public along with society and the recovery of personal conscience will the rotten ugly phenomenon with fairness that increases progressively and puzzles thousands of Chinese calendar history developments be defeated eventually thoroughly? Believe this society can emerge immediately many honest and upright person who cherishes the honest and upright heart as soldier?

It is good! Have seldom said. " honest and upright soldier" plays a farce game in total kind. It is to can't take confidence level and persuasion because of" honest and upright soldier" to say ," farce", proving for teenagers have played this game, can increase anti-corruption anticorrosive consciousness greatly afterwards. It is related to each other as like as apple and oyster. In other words: Here has no silver 320. Also in as " Cao Gui debate ", Cao Gui asks that Lu Zhuang is public: " your armed forces of state of Qi that repel rely on what to kill? "


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