Sunday, February 24, 2008

That year naked woman washes hair paste throws to old man, mistake lies in me

Need on business, I have returned the old unit until separated 11 years. That reposes in war industry on the road a Zeng You Zhuo tens of annual splendid historical and wound tax achievements , have had the medium-sized government enterprise of the staff more than 5000 on the job. In that year, I resign from this factory to step into the sea of business. Always want to return to see , have had the opportunity today at last.

Process the low short north room of front door of entrance guard, I Qu vehicle postpones to in go open. Both sides are the trees that rise like a tower high , a row of row lows is short old have been discard bungalow hide is after woods. On road, have no a people, in I go without leave go open. This kind of feeling as if film " Lv shellfish card "( again " well-known butterfly dream ") that scene and aside when begins:"Last night, I have again"

Crossing one and another iron net to surround the workshop that lives building, when leave empty to have no the opposite open space of dining room that a person and bird sparrow do not see I stop to get off , last building. Opposite side receives me warmly , says:"Do not think with good intention, this factory son has gone bankrupt , workshop building is whole as sell to have sold. Dining room also moves little building. You see iron net surround get up sell go out land, a a, resemble the concession of old Shanghai."

Managing to finish have swept the armed department near the dining room of a glance , that downstairs surface has a basement, there is the old type cumbersome safe of the two Japanese manufactures of same year in basement. In those years when I leave , know that this hides the cash of full two big cases in safe. And the factory director that takes up the post recently digests this money in one month to win staff to fall.

Along the plant area that has walked every day in the past road I Qu vehicle enters directly, when the workshop building of official business of a two levels of building has stoped. Look to peep , the outside wall of building is outmoded to cannot bear , every window covers a level of ash. Building Taiwan is former, weedy, old wooden strip everywhere evidently, trees fall is more tall and big and more a lot of than the former. Building door hole is left empty open without a person.

Along stairs go up, between first, it is director room, director of same year retires long ago to leave. In memory, this director has character glamour very much , has done some of campaigns that cause a sensation of whole factory staff. Once is to lead whole workshop staff to do buffet meeting. The factory director at that time takes off die make forbid to be in charge of always if having the sanitary department of food poisoning, but buffet campaign goes on still as usual. There are still once and the director upright form of military orders, who can capture a technical difficulty, reward who 2000 Yuan. This bonus has great one at that time , also very tempting figure, than the award of year-end of one year, it is still many. Afterwards, is taken unexpectedly by person, factory director wants to be obstructed again. Director I has also done when it is young one matter that causes a sensation of whole factory. That is when the former American nun g pine of the president visits China for the first time Shanghai , he hides in rainbow bridge airport exit, hand takes one to use the camera of dark cloth parcel. Is regarded as by the people of public security who have high vigilance Kuomintang spy has grabed to get up , still manufacturer assures to just solve this matter.

Between second, room"The", work gets up not extremely. For a technical innovation, it is often the operation ability of wanting to how to raise equipment constantly and soaking every day near machine tool. Each innovation afterwards, assembly line goes up will always a labourer force comes. Workers do not understand always, scolding them is"Hold"( in novel" Gao Yu Bao" landlord). As soon as these persons start to talk , are the terminology special, it does not be understood that I hear , exchange with them seldom, so this room is all right I do not go to patronize.

3th room is my room of official business. I first in factory financial department makes 78 years, work afterwards between rail cars in port capital Yuan. The workload of one month can be completed for 2 or 3 days. Normally, it is a cup of tea and a book to leave empty. There are 4 or 5 persons in office, however< xml:namespace prefix=st1 ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"/>< personname w:st=on productid=鍏ㄦ槸>Is< personname/>Ms. I want< personname w:st=on productid=浣?It< personname/>Ms touches together have always Lao the subject of not over road? Hear carefully, simply is about is from the matter of the child of wife and children; Or about household duties and old public matter. Sometimes, in the evening, make a dream, second day can bring office Xiang thin description one takes off. I admire the memory of these persons really and tenacious say to want , because as soon as I awaken , what forgets. It does not be heard that I accomplish with great efforts, but not hear have to also hear , this room soundproof can not. Therefore, I have bought one"Like"Pocket receipt puts machine, use frequently can have bad aftermath, not is ear the aftermath cannot bear , and it is to see to lead that impression is not good , also lets the colleague in group produce a kind of barrier sense for me.

These colleagues have once very well for me, in which one lives in city center like the sweater of a men's whole wool, decide in front of me. Excited I will take money to come out , she will also leave before going home from work, return on time from rushing. Is me, labor discipline also disregarding , my good impression moves. However, a newspaper returns one newspaper. I am specially good for them, when my month birthday of 30 years old, I have not asked what outsider , bring some cooked food, still have a cake with vermicelli in unit to ask these Miss sister sisters of eldest sister to eat. Is they take off surface with a bowl a bowl land of electric stove, all divide to eat. This scene is so far unforgettable.

4th room is on duty room, former I have not married , in 3 days, is on duty in 2 evenings so as gain tune Xiu opportunity. It is happy to be on duty it is quiet, I can read a or 2 good books; Can also write a sense after reads. However, is on duty responsibility is great. There is once, is turn for me to have the thief patronage in when being on duty , in workshop, have lost some copper products that had been processed. Lead has died urgently, this thing is waiting for to deliver the goods. , what to be done? I have been criticized few sentences. Air however, miss thief the processing article that a person can't steal right off so , without leave the top of main room seeks , let me have found unexpectedly. Defending department to send person at once ambush , thief has not dared to show up finally.

There is still once, it is that I am on duty to decide , think of evening to have no time , is the old man of clean sanitary work in workshop as change , let him be on duty for me. In second day, as soon as I come to go to work , have been called director room , seeing that old man only hang low to head, the person of defence department is doing notes on side. Have you again had an accident? My heart one Jing. Again one asks , it has careless old man , one goes early female bathroom cleans hygiene. Normally, do not forget always to call one at entrance:"Have"Go to have not again shouted early this time"Go out!"That old man has scared , is stupid, resemble a wood person one easily. Use hand till opposite side go up wash hair paste throws on the head of old man, old man just clear Wu error comes , face dies quit normally in vain in panic, one sees that workshop director comes"Voluntarily". He rash draw me is not.

Right now, the sound of mobile phone between my waist has the customer who seeks me to talk about business, is in no mood again feelings seek is old, pick up bathroom anecdote. I draw in the past event that saw is confused by years , hit road to return residence.

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