Sunday, February 24, 2008

Public affairs entertains standard should hear certificate

Reporter6Day is learnt , Nanchang city makes stipulation for the city straight office domestic reception expense standard and relevant funds management problem of public affairs. Working to eat standard is: Its entourage working meal and cadre of province and ministry class cost standard each on principle does not exceed every day160It is first; Department hall120It is first; Place level100It is first. In the domestic reception(Do not)Is: Its entourage and cadre160It is first; Department120It is first; Place100It is11Month8" messageHttp: / /

The domestic phenomenon of eating and drinking extravagantly and being luxurious to waste in the reception of public affairs universal existence, between mill, spread such saying, " a bundle of smoke January grain, a meal a ox, buttocks a next building " though have exaggeration composition , but also reflect the seriousness of problem. Again if, the Henan you county century member of Nan county regulates recreational activities using public funds energetically, local plenty of hotels have to close unexpectedly.

Recreational activities using public funds and the reception of public affairs are extravagant to waste , Mi have cost not Fei public finance, have reduced public facility construction fund and the funds of social security , and have aroused the dissatisfaction of people , have influenced the national image of civil servant. Have in view of this, national repeated injunctions strictly forbid the reception of public affairs to exceed standard eat and drink extravagantly. Cure this one Wan disease, every place wants to have let method , steals racket as the Henan you county century member of Nan county for recreational activities using public funds to obtain evidence , handles seriously.

Now, Nanchang city makes stipulation for the city straight office domestic reception expense standard and relevant funds management problem of public affairs, I think , original intention also is cure the waste of the reception of public affairs problem. Though, opinion is good, but online friend unanimously thinks that this standard does not be approved high,. The author thinks that arises this kind of not grateful root to lie in , this reception expense standard of public affairs enact the participation of lack the public, thus arouse dispute inevitably.

Though, the reception of public affairs does not have existent absolute needs, but at present stage, to abolish this kind of practice completely through system design, it is also unrealistic. Have dared not even if having abolished , in clear, in dark, will also do. This is the political system of our country the - - superior of decision has is for the absolute control right of subordinate. Under this kind of condition, receive plain code for public affairs to mark a price , if strict execution, fall also do not lose is a kind of effective restraint.

But problem is the establishment of the reception expense standard of public affairs as well as is enacted , can not hold completely rely on government a hand to manage , masses of taxpayer has lost the right of expression opinion - - after all, public finance is the money of taxpayer, how to spend should hear the opinion of taxpayer. If its entourage and cadre of province and ministry class work to eat cost standard , on principle, each does not exceed every day160Yuan and this standard are really too high.

Therefore the author thinks , should hold hearing for the reception expense standard of public affairs , decides this standard by local people. To it appearance supplement is , to improve public financial budget making and conducted condition. Only so, then can prevent the discontented mood of people , then can also stop the extravagant phenomenon of wasting in the reception of public affairs from foundation.

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