Sunday, February 24, 2008

World has no difficult matter, would draw out money only

I does computer business , has opened some" STShare. Want to move address, it is cheap to seek a rent additionally , tax revenue is not high ( had better not deliver tax is still on good terms , but this unrealistic) place start all over again. Is however hard! Atone thirty, carve to do not know how to start. Can only squeeze brows every day to happen is stupid, elephant sculptor Luo Dan works" the person of deep thought" that no way out appearance. China has sentence idiom to shout"Turn", I am now"Turn", point

Have squeezed few day brows ,"405< xml:namespace prefix=st1 ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"/>< chmetcnv w:st=on tcsc=0 numbertype=1 negative=False hasspace=False sourcevalue=0 unitname=unitname鈥?0 "< chmetcnv/>Project. Say that trunk is dry! Bring ""I will open a large scale computer repair"
Director of residents' committee is a 50 the old man that comes forward , age is not large, hair has taken off is a lot of. As soon as he hears my generous Chen Ci, knows that I am to have a definite object in view. Have not waited for me meaning whole vindication, convenient big step goes to meet , hold my hand tightly , say incomparable excitedly:"It is very good! Welcome you! The people of this"

Male Jiu Jiu air Ang Ang, I have left. This kind of feeling is invested in like a Taiwan businessman to continent, it is the same that being full of great plan owe spring breeze. Hai! Sunshine magnificent time is different, mood also follows is magnificent. Just like the future of similar brocade just, one step walks to beckon to me.

Not! What beckon to me is that street is managed. Street is managed not , three steps makes two steps, having steped into entrance hang the street of little smooth little brightness brand to manage. For my arrival, street head is very enthusiastic, hear carefully after Ba one of my basket suggestion, light up with pleasure to blend in expression in the eyes slowly , still have smile in corners of the mouth to sing. He says:"This plan is good! You should seek the garden district of economic growth of our street, they are to be in charge of the matter of this kind of investment specially, just, it is which that 3 is short of one!"

"Is 3"I open big
At once, explanation" '3'Is'Three', when'Three'Very good situation take"
I have understood , as is
My hoof does not be born to arrive the outside wall street of very pretty decoration , is economic to develop garden district. On corridor, it is a and quiet in, office also is quiet Ji. What receive me is a young female office assistant, looks is outstanding , color Xiu is pleasant, a jet-black long hair is under electric fan"Sign". Possibility is a garden flower!
"Garden"Sweet honey land ask me dry what? I pour on table completely my opinion that ripens completely and do not ripen , let her realize. And I state again that though I am a unknown little grass , but hopes very much that is little for the garden district to make a contribution.

"Garden"Do not want my little rough little flower,
"Why?"I hide not happy feeling with

"Garden"Resemble park entrance"This matter does not go back'4050 ', suit your"

"Garden"Final""Word lengthens half racket to just send export, in let me remember to watch film in childhood" 5 golden flowers" that moving love song. It is too far to indulge in fantasy , hurry to reserve step. According to"Garden"One that draws"Seek", have not gone"Receive".

"Receive"In a type that settle is 40 the female that comes forward , colored girl land have no. However, I will say that state , colored girl has no matter my matter, I again not help friend to marry to hold look for a partner in marriage , I however important task when body, there must not be mistake. This comrade eldest sister has heard my statement conscientiously, and face happy color land say:"It is first,'4050 'Must join our association first,'4050 'Project can only repair computer"
As! I how to sink , think of
I again horse steps to fly"Sesame".
What Administration of Industry and Commerce receives me is also a young functionary, the functionary of a room wears uniform , only only she has not worn , however, it is also very spirited to not wear uniform. She has not heard my all introductions , stretches a lovely finger , signal ISTOP. This gesture lets me to"Hui"Printed words."You will open50The registered capital of 10 thousand necessary go to position; It is second, it is to not mitigate tax revenue to open company here. If mitigate , we lean what to eat? Who delivers municipal construction fund?"

I do not"Hui"Her surname of word movement what, know her serial number only. Seem that she can be skilled to grasp the policy content of the red first file of finance and taxation , is a advanced worker that cannot get. Remember very early former, I have come to Administration of Industry and Commerce to ask about how to mitigate the matter of tax revenue , it is to reply me surprisedly to say that a woman worker is people:"You do not deliver"Hear at that time Ba this words, I am very"The big", that is a so great matter,

Now do business luckily, the cost of this valuable name need not use to deliver. Again one thinks that is not right! Open a new company to pay one considerable money, my self has had a company that fits into normal orbit, needn't again another Bi path? Grow a little grass again if I act wilfully , deviate from me obviously formerly purpose. I am now to reduce cost instead of add to capital.

Seem that this road is to have gotten nowhere. Get nowhere , it is big to have better to do straightforwardly, come one drives off strong big scene. I have again returned to residents' committee. Director of residents' committee sees me to return empty-handed , knows that has not spent head. Have pulled a chair to let me sit , say:"You do not worry! Before"

I know him to say this words do not think to let my love action soak soup in drag do not come up. No matter this matter is bad well, become and do not become , I will make the action of contribution for sub-district but am true.

Director fiercely head a racket, just"The"Resounding"Have got! I know the head of district armed"

Why haven't I thought"Qin purpose". Rush! Close to stress"Close"If point is not exaggerated , that is because

Luckily"A rough", instead"A gun". If so saying that we have gone in , if really,

Just, think disorder recklessly to think , a foot has been steped at the same time into the office of minister. That head happens when in, hand takes a seal is going file upper cover. Smell its name is as smelling its person , really, it has to pay"In 10 thousand,"Disposition. I sit"I want to open a computer"
"Place has"Head is asked , the about
銆€銆€"Have no! Do I want"I answer. Just now have become now cautiously do not alter color carefully. Will you alter color dry what? It is also not to register on battle-field, will live at heart Beng disorder jumps , feeling danger will come.
Head speaks"This matter is easy to do! So long as you would draw out money, with me, have not managed not good matter. There is good investment project, it is also to funds raised by oneself , makes this district economic market prosperous , believes that district length will be criticized surely specially."
I have understood! As"Go!"
Director"Where do you go again?"
I say:"Seek! I will go to seek a or big"
Lao Mao"Have no difficult". Now old dark"Have no difficult". Money makes the mare go.
World has noI, have left To money! To

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