Monday, February 25, 2008

In day, it is which! That girl says that own grandmother is to sell woman

Some days ago, with a friendMm, get acquainted with recently allegedly, come to turn over a new leaf boundary, the current bakery of Shanghai a capital does shop length. This sister surname Liu, it is of 245 years old. This age part girl should be youthful and lively , but I find her smile not , seemingly, it is that who has moved her cheese, leting her have to let thought can do nothing about it to say. In Hu Lu pack what goods? I do not move sound color, watch the mood and guess the thoughts.

Liu Mei stature is slender and pleasant , especially last bottom position well-developed go to position , concave is protruding and distinct , have no feeling of some waste. No wonder this friend will be careful He protect , solicitude is unceasing. However, I state , I am heart itch gall bladder does not itch.

Nonsense says less that returns to theme. Wine water has half error, I and friend are stimulated. Liu Mei is also the same, it is a lot of to have drunk , expression is ruddy, language is many. It is a cup of to have again touched twice, Liu Mei says family history unexpectedly with my pain.

How many suffering family histories can the little century of off year have? It is not to have no ill groan not, since make worry cloud 322? I so guess inwardly. After having not thought of her, it is gaping that the words that say let me have heard , seemingly, it is hearing the story of one about" 1001 nights". My god does not guard house , does not know that own place is still the world besides story in story.

Liu Mei says: " know? My life experience is very bitter. This kind of bitter is not the scarcity that comes from in material life, and it is the disequilibrium on spirit. When I remember matter, my parents quarrel frequently. Each return to quarrel , my father always scolds my mother personality metabolism , does not know that what calls good taste. I think frequently, as having no feelings of husband and wife, that has better to still part early, needn't one side will torment another side? Afterwards, I discover , the strange temper of mother is since her mother, also is my grandmother there Bing biography error comes. The temper of grandmother is more odd, it does not be understood that is so odd that nearly call one see. It is big that I have grown , in memory, have never seen grandmother happy smile , she is not cold not hot appearance throughout for grandfather, couple always divide bed to sleep. I do not understand really that grandmother still claims to be the own university student who has read a lot of books at young time and has surely cultural discipline! Why will become to be obstructed so favor? Grandfather though have no culture, but in army, officer position is not little , person also proves personal loyalty, it is popular. Do not like to study to read newspaper , belong to those person with rugged personality. But he has soft rib, eat soft do not eat is hard. Hear few sentence meetings of a good word for happy few days , have few day old wines. If having gotten some air, meeting does not be had meal in few days, have tea solely , is fierce to smoke. "

" the perhaps that female university student of times comparison is few, many rare points are honest and frank! Your grandmother temper strange, possibility shelf is so, or matter has since! " my such comfort road. " or " two words rise here to throw a sprat to catch a whale to take affect.

Really, Liu Mei says continuously:1951In year, university graduates , is the call that responds party , in 1000, it is far away to arrive Xinjiang. Before going to Xinjiang, government propaganda says: Intelligentsia develops intelligence and wisdom , ring the mourning motherland time have arrived. Borderland construction needs plenty of talents, especially female university student. It will be had a boiling passion that grandmother has heard this words, the back outside grandmother, have registered secretly. Have not passed few days, worthing 20 years old in year the grandmother that comes forward and her sisters more than 3000 have gone on an expedition together. These sisters are also the intelligentsia who has culture , are as grandmother , passion is expensive. "

" however! Liu Mei is light to have had a wine , says: " who can think of! The truth of matter is not so. They have taken few day trains , and have turned automobile. As soon as going to there, being given immediately by army lead have arranged. On name, it is to cooperate with those officers and soldiers to work , or is the secretary , or do confidential Yuan , or is health worker, actually, it is to have been taken sole charge of , has become their daughter-in-law that does not come. Who matches who, according to officer position difference in degree comes to arrange sequentially. Can not choose , abandonment may. This matter the lead that controls by palm to distribute authority says that calculates. "

" is true?

Liu Mei says: " point has no holiday. Say my grandfather , he original is Kuomintang defends Xinjiang to mix get return may a officer. Among the first corps of compatriots people liberation army share the main forces of 100 thousand along Gansu wine spring enters Xinjiang, the Kuomintang garrison troops of 100 thousand hears the news to announce immediately that surrender to revolt , its army reorganization system is the 12 second corps of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Two corps add to possess the persons of 200 thousand , guard northwest frontier Xinjiang totally. These soldiers have a characteristic , is age is old. Average age38Year, officer home more than 98% in, the earth soldier of 96% does not get married. Facing lonely dull life, many officers and soldiers put forward again and again , leave the army if not solve personal marriage problem to go home. Then, in Xinjiang region, there is bandit, outside the tiger of big powers regards , security of society is lacked extremely, economic life is also hard. It is anti-hegemonistic to suppress bandits , wipe out enemy to level to betray, these important tasks are still waiting for the main forces of 200 thousand to be completed! Can not let soldier leave the army easily, a soldier leaves the army , can arouse 100 soldiers immediately to think that leave the army. If all want to leave the army , aftermath is unimaginable. It is lucky that my grandfather still calculates , grandmother divides his side work. Though, it is some table of mandarin duck of disorder, may a lot of officers and soldiers have a dream is most welcome! And grandfather has not also resembled some group departments, decide because of puting indignant quota and having to grab lot through finger-guessing game that who has the right of priority assignment. Grandfather has opened a back door because of concerning privately with the head that is in charge , have chosen then stature and feature water the grandmother that pours. "

I look with fixed eyes land look at

Liu Mei pays no attention to the sight that I doubt , is about for her to strafe , continuity says: " think! How can the girls more than 3000 settle 200 thousand desires? It is a cup of waterwheel salary really He! In each corps, minute is secretly happy to the first head of quota, the little first heads who have not divided quota shout , is little to shout , begin to breed discontented mood. Senior officers know , discontented mood can move towards the opposite of thing too much, and eventually, cause riot. These soldiers have no culture , also have no political consciousness. Many persons are because, in time in home, pass the, rich household that does not just join the army , will not just go to join the army! They think that home is very normal, so long as having who as soon as choosing , will make trouble. Have no other method , can only recruit schoolgirl again. This Hunan place is to not think with good intention to go again. Concerning department lead, fall down to sight in Shandong countryside old base resolutely. However this time, it does not be to recruit intelligentsia with the name of 'Jian She Zu Guo' , but is to recruit female soldier with the name of 'Bao Jia Wei Guo'. The girl life condition in Shandong countryside is more hard , has soldier to pawn , geting in by the back door have also had not enough time. Girls snatch one after another to register.1952Year1954Possess9000Well-known countryside girl enters Xinjiang , becomes a female soldier. Female soldier is more obedient than female university student , lets dry what to do what , obeies organization arrangement absolutely. Their destiny is melted very quickly as female university student by army. It is a to hit with officers and soldiers to become , soon afterwards, marry at once to give birth to offspring. Afterwards, according to the stipulation of the corps at that time, it is each10It is false to be able to have once in year to visit relative , but a lot of person in them has not also returned again, have gone to livelihood to raise their hometown , it is one body to suit forever with west region loess. "

" esteem! " I say: " the slogan that government puts forward originally is: ' An Xia Xin, tie root , defend borderland , build borderland. ' this Wan 2000 females have composed this social majestic writings with own ordinary life. They and male compatriots struggle together , fight with day , and land cup and nature cup. Carry burning sun , emit severely cold, war dust storm , alter alkali beach, open up wasteland Ken field, make the Gobi Desert in 1000 become oasis, the mu desolate beach of 10 thousand becomes rich good field. Though your grandmother any years have passed for more than 50 years , but I believe that their great heroic and moving deed sings the biography eternal. "

" come to a halt! " Liu Mei two is seemingly tear So-called 'Mai Shen' is to not be willing to contribute own body as a kind of exchange very much, individual has no choice right of free control. When the vision of ordinary people, it may sleep if 'Mai Shen Nu' is compeled to live , occurs sexual relations with numerous man in order to guarantee to have meal by oneself to eat , has smooth and steadily sleep, will not will not go hungry from now on to receive to freeze. When my vision, it is making such a kind of exchange that I feel grandmother. To subsist , the body contribution of own gives a self place the man that does not like enjoys. Between which, as I know , grandmother wants to leave Xinjiang to return Hunan native land , but door also has no one. Leave post without authorization to had been punished , serious will close few day confinements. Grandmother calls day day should not, call land land not work. Those poor households Shandong that comes out woman soldier falls is to feel that self delivers peach blossom to transport to court. And some university students such as grandmother feel that the dignity and shelf of one of us had been torn to smash. Not obey have to also obey , this is organization needs, army construction needs and national development need. When this, I think:Not stem from is voluntary, and are you to be compelled to occur sexual behavior , so enjoy the 100 men with quilt by a man to enjoy and have what difference? It is that the former has a existence of red paper proof marriage contract only, the latter has no this paper. What issue this marriage contract paper slip is country. Taking 'national interests' as name, let poor female soldier and the female university student of unclear truth go through the fire and water , contribute a lifetime, is this a kind of that expression of the social most inhuman doctrine? "

Have heard Liu Mei this words, my mind is heavy. Say: " after all that is the outmoded past event before 50 years, matter has since, specifying times the special matter that occurs is very normal in then. We can not take the foresight of today to judge the matter that occurs then. Otherwise, 12 thousand family members will indict , ask country to have compensated. But historical fault may be excused , but should not be forgotten. We will learn review and the lesson of summary blood. Only so, human society can just have progress, it is possible as going backwards to will not fall again to enter. Also, now, society wants to hide that historical truth painstakingly if having who, that is for progeny a kind of expression that not taken the responsibility. As progeny educates , also, is unfavourable. Cheng show strong and repugnant as us for the behavior of Japanese writing department province for falsifying textbook and dissatisfaction is the same. "

That friend of business circles is saying: " dark star person, you not like to write article? That writes this matter , pastes on net. The purpose that pastes on net is not to become famous , but is to must not let this kind of tragedy recur on our the body of next generation. The history of blood color has few acting persons who may dye? "

" as! The history of I say.

Right now, Liu Mei has cried , cry to sing " accompany you see grassland together " song. Though, have not dubed in background music , but tone still such sad Wan , is moving. My heart has been wanted to have been shaken is broken. I think that we need to not only see the beautiful prairie of Xinjiang, need to see more to resemble Liu Mei grandmother so regards as own body with unprecedented courage the part of country, and only the Chinese woman of duty abandonment right. The various suffering of their life experience, how could use " heroic and moving " 4 words come to summarize and imagine. Yes! Can not! So, Liu Mei will cry.

< xml:namespace prefix=st1 ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"/>< chsdate year=2007 month=7 day=11 islunardate=False isrocdate=False w:st=on>2007-07-11< chsdate/>Morning

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