Monday, February 25, 2008

Dawn, I walk out of to send corridor

It is also weekend. Last weekend, a surname Wei friend cable, say that is to just make a single business , ask me to eat potluck specially, quilt please still have a A Tang that I know. It can think that my nature is meddlesome if friend has gained money. At six thirty, I arrive the hotel " farmland chicken" on time. Order some disheses and 3 bottles of extra beers. Have a chat while eating , for wine when song, there does not be a flavour. After 2 hours, have drunk and eaten to satiety and is in ruddy health. Make hotel, 3 persons are relaxed and free and easy , are all the way little to talk , discuss a man to want woman first, want money and the subject with odd career this still first with life. On street, have gone to the road of one hour , have made the sweat of one hour , discuss to have no fruit still. By chance, in summer night of Shanghai, the near son of battle array is very abnormal, redly scorching, even wind, it is also very hot silk silk to blow on the body.

My suggestion goes to bathingOK! " In bath hall, rub the back to wash body , exclude all over smelly sweat and oil dirty is absolutely necessary. Have bath, lie in leisure hall big sofa goes up sink how long, a waitress runs quietly, asking eagerly attentively to want do health-care massage? A person does 2 hours to receive only108It is first , may

" health-care massage has what content?JITeacher joins

"JITeacher " denote " technician " is still " prostitute teacher "? I have asked that two times is unknown. It may spend the night in pack room , does not add other receipt charge if doing health care massage , this price is not is cheap I do not take quotations. But for like to write rich I, thinking very much know "JITeacher " is what after all " teacher

WhenJITeacher " studio, it is also in massage room , lays 4 beds, I lie on a bed, two benevolent elder brothers lie on the bed of one side. Glance right and left , do not see sound. Expect well a little while, "JITeacher " have shown up at last, original is a karate work , even hand is last, what thing has not also taken. I relax before in other bathing place, health-care teacher is manpower one does not guide the steel material little 100 precious cases made , inside puts various have meal family belongings. For this 30 years old, the foreign sister of year how to see , also do not get hooked with the word first of " teacher ", pour the pronunciation of the "teacher" and hair style of large meatball that is her to a little touch on only lightly.

Have been taken in! I have when my domestic that entrance massage room has accepted safe type massage, one complete kneel to carry , step on the movement of the back let my muscles and bones of the whole body absentminded and cheerful , is incomparable happy. Present this one "JITeacher " recruit technique seldom, meeting as my two old legs do loose muscle France, and firmly, as to that pair of my not quite smelly sole, have been removed when outside, she expression disdains a Gu Yang.

Incorrect! The massage of the whole body should arriveJITeacher " as if one climbs mountain person, when climbing to half half way up the mountain, take not come up there. Again seeming is one is short of the vehicle of oil to break down is in roadside. Hold in vain to be easy describe bullet in" pipa trip" in poem the prostitute woman of pipa has still used " 1000 shouts 10 thousand calls out , just as hold pipa is half to cover surface. " may she, is " 1000 wishes 10 thousand can't hope position, pawn thigh directly garlic. " I think , hold the thigh of two hours by her, I will become Tie Guai Li.

Paste! Go to the man in bathing< xml:namespace prefix=st1 ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"/>< personname w:st=on productid=璐圭殑>Cost< personname/>Miss has pasteJITeacher ": " you here massageJITeacher " have68Yuan is a hour of,

In television, amusementJITeacher " one side watches television,STOP! I give68It is first, you do not want health care! " haveJITeacher " for me Gao Sheng lets to say: " do not

Make the door of bathing place, A Tang says: " Ha-Ha! Saying that you have no experience have no experience , and I have long found out that here, surface has to pretend. However fortunately, calculate you to respond quickly, otherwise will pay 300 come Yuan wrong money. "

Discuss continuously; Take a walk continuously , and have gone to a very long road , but have no those previous sweat influenza. A Tang says that controls river, have a massage room on the road, Miss of inside does the art and skill that finger presses , go to position very much, it is some of that he has gone, cognition is very dripping wet. " is good! " Wei Duo Kou happens. By chance, going go to massage shop entrance, I have met a neighbor of my mother home, he is speaking with others. It has acquaintance in me to abstain from, though, we do not do what bad thing , but do not be accustomed to still. The morning of May 1 at two thirty, I come out from a pack room that sends corridor , head-on bump against a classmate of middle school unexpectedly. He sees that I have crimson expression, I have no. Not is rich to write , or say that borrow to write the rich well-known forefront in-depth. Now, I suggest to alter place, arrive opposite see again , because of there have few dodge the enough bath massage room of dazzling fluorescence.

We enter a massage room that Wenzhou person opens. Lean< personname w:st=on productid=鏄?It< personname/>Miss works inside. Into

We Sa person lies readily on bed, extend body , hit a deep

Say me first. What do finger to me to press is that a 30 is year-old to wear the woman of semitransparent dark clothing, she does head massage first to me, I close eye to take a rest , have not felt what. Then, she begins to do face department massage to me, I feel at once that am not right. Her feeling both hands are very rough , fall down , on my face, skin has not comfortable sense obviously in, have had no former days< personname w:st=on productid=閭d簺>It< personname/>Miss is those

I can't help to feel " dark clothing woman" hand. " day is which! " " dark clothing woman " the big thumb of two hands forefinger is very special, there are a large callosity in its joint place. Callosity explains that she is to wash enough woman. Because wash enough woman when do foot to guest to rub , must use to point at the academic degree that joint goes to carry guest. Come down for a long time, finger joint place elder callus. And because of both hands, always contact the bubble foot water of the tape composition of traditional Chinese medicine, the skin on hand will become very rough. As this, I have 100 reason Hu Rans to break to think, " this dark clothing woman " give probably before being a hour of one is that the sluggard of the air of tinea pedis has washed foot fully, current hand has not washed do face department massage completely to me. This is short of tooD! Think that here, I do not

" dark clothing woman" the slippery error of both hands come , fall on my shoulder. I turn over , ask her to hold my rear waist. Your her purpose, act accordingly. I feel still that do not put forward requirement comfortably, again to hold my thigh. She again acts accordingly , is very obedient; Also respect work very much. However, self clean good woman will not when this respects work.

I let " dark clothing woman" separate sock to hold

Moreover A Tang. What do finger to A Tang to press massage is that one wears red clothing , look the foreign sister that 18 years old still does not go to. A Tang wants to gallop cloud drives fog. It is little to have not thought of this height, speak Dia the girl that slides is the only arm hand of art and skill unexpectedly. What Wei" the only arm hand of art and skill"? It is Afghan that gives us with one hand< personname w:st=on productid=鍞?Tang< personname/>Mr massage. So another hand? Style big application, it is always sending mobile phone short letter. Do not know that it is fresh that this little younger sister is because have bought mobile phone recently, still because recent new friend boy friend, must maintain " the yard of encoded telegram" to contact.

It is said loudly that A-Tang- air is inconvenient< personname w:st=on productid=閭?It< personname/>Miss does finger unexpectedly to me to press , puts on earphone to hear the programme " accompany to dawn" in radio station , hear crucial place unexpectedly feelings alive 'Ka Ka' that not stops from forbidden area to start confused smile. I say that she has no professional virtue. She turns over lip appearance Ji, say that this work has lowly nature originally , what come virtue may speech? "

A Tang this words say that hear to little younger sister. The person who does this business the meeting of every one gong and drum hears sound, speak to hear sound. Little younger sister is also not exceptional , has heard this words service well somewhat, but attitude is still not earnest. As if that state-owned enterprise planned economy times, it does not be contributed that the most person goes to work. Little younger sister is still little! She does not think of quilt cover to live , it is multi-purpose that she likes , think where play tomorrow with boy friend. She even does not think every become self by the man of massage look back guest, she recites scriptures like little monk - - mouth is been in no mood , do calculate one day of one day, mix time Bai!

Effort construction looks back guest atmosphere give Wei the foreign sister of that 35 years old that does finger to press. Countryside comes out 35 years old woman sees old normally easily, may go to see 5 or 6 years old. " foreign sister" is not exceptional , she is win Wei, speak to a little strike a pose, seemingly, it is full of tender feeling that elephant meets old friend.

Wei book wants to seek little younger sister to accompany have a chat , do not think that with A Tang, overcast bad sun is wrong , spread unexpectedly a " old vegetable skin ". The more want to have no energy the more; The more want to leak air the more. He closes eye at last disappointedly , lets self be far away from the role of " heartbeat man ". May always constantly mention at heart: Is A Men what door?

Make Wenzhou massage room, I have become

Be most difficult receive when is little I 5 years old Wei, it is taken off that he says that own heart is raped by" old vegetable skin" to seek local balanced one. Rapid second half night , a lot enough bath shop and hair corridor has closed , which do you come to balanced shop?

Return! When A Tang home is nearby, again pass that second half night to receive the hair of 30 Yuan only corridor shop, still light unexpectedly is few to wipe lights, door hole is opened. That old man that I meet last time ( boss) not when," sisters flower" when, their two takes being leaning door place to enjoy the cool to chat. Though inside room opens air conditioner, but door hole solicits trade open well. " sisters flower" knowledge A Tang, call us to go in.

Last A Tang has a chat with" sisters flower" very happy, this time, I also want to try. I ask its sister: " can accompany me enjoy the cool at entrance? Money I shine to pay. " its sister replies: " the person that goes on road to go to go is many, it is not quite good to sit at entrance! To sit merely in room, it is the same to have a chat. "

It is also good! I and A Tang take a angle each, older sister accompanies me to have a chat , younger sister accompanies A Tang to have a chat. As Wei, his shadow as well as his case fall together into dark house. At will! After all, gold has no pure gold, person has no perfect man.

I do not know " sisters flower", can think that I and A Tang are the persons of impotence, outspoken do not get up , meeting gentleman moves mouth do not move to deduct. Because when massage woman vision, man likes color , as if world has no do not eat stink cat. Color and want , is the eternal pursuit of men goal; Also is man forever spiritual burden.

So, I and A Tang after all is why think of? We think together: Seeking amusement in time sometimes is long to forfeit. It is sending corridor , the more the woman that makes a discount is the more obedient; And the more obedient woman is the more dangerous, they carry the various germs with guest more easily. We criminal not!

Continuity says ," sisters flower". Converse near 1 hour, I discover older sister, have different personality with younger sister, older sister speaks , like to hit to bend , do not directly explain meaning. And younger sister speaks , is frank, it is unhappy to not spit out. They are the sister son that grows up in countryside , have no cultural educational background, can't talk about one decent behave philosophic theory comes. However, their two heart base is still more pure. It is not that the prostitute that people imagine is the woman with deteriorated morals. They are two to fall onto prostitute, its behavior has been touched ugly seal; Its soul has been also marked also " dirty " word, no matter they are because life is compeled , or in view of other purpose, I feel that perhaps, this is the best choice not selected. For this, we need not textual criticism this is not is they is voluntary. When one has meal in front of can not the person of whereabouts talks about ethics virtue , that is hypocritical.

Sage says: " faith from the root branch more thanP18. ) is here , shame denotes to make one

I am thinking , who can assert " sisters flower" daytime is woman flower, is evening devil person? Perhaps, compared with officer people the rotten behavior of various "abuse of power for personal gains"s, their heart will be broad and level and a lot of. Though they are this city drifts is indefinite , swim go to shadow, each slice of prosperity of city does not belong to them, but their heart Qi wish is true dripping wet - - Qi wish to be able to also go by oneself into this beautiful tomorrow.

Dawn, I walk out

< chsdate w:st=on isrocdate=False islunardate=False day=4 month=8 year=2007>2007-08-04< chsdate/>Former

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