Sunday, February 24, 2008

Past event is scattered as smoke , mind is bitter and a

Past event is
- - - -Remember

There are a elder brother and 76 classes, now, a joint ventures that is far away from city center works. His personality is introvert , bad words have no a friend exchange except 2 or 3 colleagues. It is the road bumpy many sufferings of former half a lifetime that feels him that I write my elder brother. Though, I am very sympathetic , but always can't do it , I can only give a kind of spiritual solicitude with my writing.

1, a heart
That day of autumn of 7 years, neighborhood cadre knocks Luo dozen drums land run , on my domestic door, paste a red paper newspaper, family person returns when feel puzzled , elder brother describes carelessly land say:"I have been distributed"As soon as mother hears this words, is to worry"This is the needs of revolution"

Mother has no speech, vision sheds tear. She"Stir-fry"). It is so, father personally sends elder brother to start off. When starting off , elder brother does not forget to bring some books in the aspect of ideological discipline , say that train own weakness well Yi will.

Have"County", taking notice to multiply"Town"Responsible person stretches"Welcome!"Then, personally send elder brother with tractor to go down. Peasant old uncle has prepared the earth house of a former pile goods right now long ago: A bed and a simple wooden cabinet still have the table of a 4 foot injustices, this is new home of elder brother.

Elder brother is moved very much , puts in this fervent wide universe in daytime selflessly , again always does not forget the nature of the whole body in the evening to read the moral book trained. No matter walking in the earth or people of old farmer that rocks , the rustic people of small farmer is his modest object that develops study. Know farming relation to better better, elder brother frequently in home sends delicious thing to the child of peasant family to eat. Have not thought of the labor of one year , the work gotten minute is still not enough to pay unexpectedly the grain in brigade that has happened oil. Owing work divide , can only deduct in next one year to return. It how to calculate to come out that this work divides? Elder brother now says this matter often, always shake the head wry smile.

2. I want a
The system of national college entrance exam recovers , elder brother also attends college entrance exam , but cannot develop good score , but has entered county through national policy to manage factory. It is also good! Since then, need not use farming room to take to see the work that not understood and have divided. New factory again gives elder brother new vigor, he thinks that so making an effort to work is given"Four modernizations"Career makes contribution. The smile of factory

Some years have passed in, dull time, elder brother sees other know green have mentioned love one after another, eye sees to return city have no look over , have also mentioned love with local a woman , have established relation again and again very quickly in exchange. Have not thought that now , there are again new policy to enact in country, having to insert team know green may return city. Elder brother had been distributed to river sand work, he is so glad that few day have not joined eye. Though also being suburb, but since then, may go home every day.

That day, a face"I want to marry! This home"When saying this words, I am on the scene , feel world greatly, the requirement of elder brother is too little. Mother has seen my a glance, I nod to agree. The house of 10 some squares since then one separates is 2. Back between little put a double bed, I and father sleep upper berth, mother and younger sister sleep lower berth. One year does not arrive , elder brother has got a son. Because have not married room, the two persons of husband and wife begin separation two lands.

Then is welfare-oriented public housing distribution , divide room to see residence registration completely. Sister-in-law not urban residence registration, is delivered of son nature to can do nothing about it to apply for a residence permit, puting in pocket have also become"Bag residence". The child of bag residence registration

Appreciate party! Father increases from factory to match , have gone to a bridal chamber, 20 square( use flat product) elder brothers can't smile. Room when 7 floor, it is high high point, but Fang Men opposite is platform. Elder brother again lets mud craftsman have made a simple house on platform , may feel proud and elated since then to stretch straight waist and has behaved , will not be said again by old old woman:"Trash! Have you"

3."Class"In day,
Old perplexed have solved is new and perplexed again emit. Sister-in-law when outside borrow room to be tailor , handicraft does not always have no money high to gain , is also to keep a straight face to go home always. In expense one day, the huge opportunity that son spends money is also increasing progressively. Eye sees to melt every month go out money will be many than what receipt comes in , between husband and wife on economy, is hard to coordinate , contradiction is done the more the more , divergence is also developed the more the more deeply. So, little noisy 135, noisy 246. Afterwards, sister-in-law does insurance , says that does not feel like to see elder brother, always soak when Chong clear do not go home. Do not deliver the educational cost of son home , may have no as soon as dividing money, this Costa Rica some wages foundation is not enough to open to sell.

Not deliver money is also had dismissed , deliberately sister-in-law puts forward after residence registration is moved into urban district divorce with elder brother, condition very base, leting elder brother bring clothing to go to person have been , house reserves to son, she will maintain son , can not so go to person. This house head of a household describes my mother, this marriage is doomed momentary is away from can not. Is away from can not fight , in the morning, cup and evening cup are still fought midnight. Elder brother quilt"Fight"It has to be confused"Is away from will divorce"

What elder brother studies for"Fight"And"On the"Way point have"Writing"Show mercy"It", face goes up is wounded in battle is elder" 110Coming

I want to seek sister-in-law to talk about"Does this family exist"Say elder brother for me. As do not"Class struggle". Have you

4, life does
That day, elder"I do not want to have fought with her , ask for your a matter , take care of my son if having the words of ability and opportunity. This is my bankbook, there are still thousands of Yuans in inside, give you care, I have gone!"

"Do you"I am astounded.
"I go to the place that I should"Elder brother says this words in, eye has no light , is dim to turn pale. It is not good! To make major event. I accompany him to return domestic mother , advise him in the one-hundred language of real situation. Mother flows out tear again , she has gone to the time of enjoy Qing Fu to settle one body of the back is melancholy."Early, know today"Mother says. Originally father firm opposition this kiss , elder brother the daughter-in-law of how the bitter nature of old woman says that does not come is is virtuous, mother is soft-hearted one o'clock , also nods to agree.

"Can life have some such tens of years?"Sister-in-lawCry to say
Perhaps, many matters are to say that do not settle at that time , are hard to also say right off in the following time that is clear , then can only say always that is clear. This cost is also big, life consumption not , is also unable"Bury".

"Past event no longer Bin Fen, in years, is no longer"This is

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