Sunday, February 24, 2008

The merely a dead case of pregnant woman Li Li Yun

A corpse two lives! Pregnant woman Li Li Yun die have affected the nerve of too many person. Holding have the commentator of language right, expounds and proves and expounds and proves this tragedy from every angle, attempt to improve system , warn future generations. The careless browse of the author one takes off , the keynote general interest of review has following some kinds of:

" pregnant woman Li Li Yun dies in bureaucracy"( child is shining: " the modern wall bulletin of November 26 "), author thinks that cause of death is medical system rigidness; " right visual angle unties do not resist label open to death tragedy "( Cao Lin: November 26" the business newspaper of the Yangtze River"), author thinks cause of death is " every is emphasizing own right , unmanned is willing to undertake responsibility more "; " husband resists signature behind is by the life with twisted pressure "( Guo Wei Ming: " the new capital of November 26 newspaper ") author thinks cause of death is " embarrassed economy, kissing feelings and society solicitude is short of to lose , make this as is in distress husband and wife are hard to bear , collapse nearly "; " husband resists to sign the confidence crisis in tragedy "( Xu Feng: November 25" Guangzhou daily"), author thinks cause of death is patient confidence sense is short of to lose , medical dispute increases sharply.

I have to say , these reviews never same angle has explained the source of tragedy, these build speech to make a living person has offered more hope. May I have yet to do not say , pregnant woman Li Li Yun die is actually a accident - - Xiao Zhi Jun the seriousness that has not realized matter. It does not have specimen meaning. Above-mentioned have review, see speech from a angle chisel , may retort once changing a angle , is not perfect. If is taking " Li Li cloud dies in bureaucracy " as example, if hospital does not comply with " medical organization regulation" stipulation, do not agree by my patient or its relative without authorization surgical operation, also, can produce problem: The doctor can plan wealth harmful life? Have arisen dispute, the doctor will undertake responsibility?

It is good deed no doubt to again have the courage to undertake responsibility with initiative as responsibility theory, may pay out cost , have time this cost is very huge. What want life more is that this cost does not be often undertaken by society, is from undertake the individual of responsibility to bear. The doctor is first a person, the rational economic person in a assumption, he will subsist , the responsibility of family will be also undertaken , adding to tend to advantage avoid harmful instinct, he will not undertake responsibility blindly naturally. If do not consider this specific life problem, leave empty blindly to cry out slogan is been easy very much, and the solution of problem is useless. Suggest if have online friend: Most transfer author well hospital when president, he knows this how to make. Is just so: Any responsibility is limited degree , on world, have no infinite responsibility. The responsibility of the doctor is to save person, but he must get authorization, and the responsibility of authorization will be undertaken by relative. The husband of pregnant woman Li Li Yun does not be willing to undertake , this has broken away from the responsibility category of the doctor.

Certainly, the author does not want to write off the contribution of appraisement home. My is considered , pregnant woman Li Li Yun die to call one no doubt regret, is also worth for whole society to review , Jing wake up. But see from the message that now reveals openly, the prime cause that this tragedy occurs or the army of Xiao Zhi hold the condition that - - promises to do not lose the cost of surgical operation in hospital take off, he still does not sign , if be not to hold , that is ignorant and mixes with selfishness: Xiao Zhi Jun has expressed that before him, the doctor of a private clinic that has seen tells him, if have accepted the surgical operation of caesarean birth, very may influence gives birth to 2 fetuses, therefore Xiao Zhi Jun refuses to carry out surgical operation for Li Li Yun firmly.

If this saying is actual ,

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