Friday, February 22, 2008

Visit good friend comes La the space colored overlord screen of - QQ leaves a message code

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[ the official script of ftf=] [ fts=4 ] [ m ] [ ftc=EE1D24 ] [ /ft ] [ ftc=FFF100 ] { { { { { { { [ /ft ] [ ftc=F79700 ] Bai L good friend comes La [ /ft ] [ ftc=FFF100 ] { { { { { { { [ /ft ] [ ftc=EE1D24 ] [ /ft ]
[ ftc=00A650 ] [ ftc=EE1D24 ] along with my step
[ ftc=A4D49D ] [ ftc=EE1D24 ] bring [ /ft
[ ftc=EE1D24 ] my most sincere blessing
[ ftc=EE1D24 ] you [ /ft ]
[ ftc=EE1D24 ] heart [ /ft ]
[ ftc=EE1D24 ] think [ /ft ]
[ ftc=EE1D24 ] matter [ /ft ]
[ ftc=EE1D24 ] become [ /ft ]
[ ftc=EE1D24 ] wish your day
[ ftc=EE1D24 ] 10 thousand [
[ ftc=EE1D24 ] matter [ /ft ]
[ ftc=EE1D24 ] if [ /ft ]
[ ftc=EE1D24 ] Yi [ /ft ]
[ ftc=EE1D24 ] [ /ft ] [ /ft ]
[ ftc=EE1D24 ] [ /ft ] [ ftc=FFF100 ] { { { { { { { [ /ft ] [ ftc=F79700 ] day day misses you [ /ft ] [ ftc=FFF100 ] { {
[ m ] [ fts=3 ] [ ftc=Fff100 ] [ ffg 00FF00 FFFFFF ] g goes to meet Yu throw Xie is short of Tao [ /ft ] [ /ft ] [ fts=3

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